Tag Archives: comparison

Prop 90 vs. New Initiative

You all remember Prop 90, the proposition that would have severely limited eminent domain and the government’s ability to do land-use planning, zoning, etc…

Here is the comparison: http://calpropertyri…

I’m not going to pretend this only regulates eminent domain. This also provides a 3-year phase out of rent controls, as the sponsors will readily admit. I will admit would have preferred these two things be separate

Prop 90 was not voted down because of its goal to restrict eminent domain to only public use. It was voted down because it went far beyond that.

I’m glad that this time, when it qualifies, we will be able to have a straight-up debate on eminent domain and rent controls. Does anyone here seriously think eminent domain should be allowed for private use? (i.e. taking a home so a Starbucks can set up there, or taking a small coffee shop so a Starbucks can set up there)