Tag Archives: Correa

Perata Boots Calderon and Correa Off Committee

The Mod Squad’s actions will not be tolerated.  That is the message Perata sent with the removal of Sens. Calderon and Correa from the Appropriations Committee.  This is in response to their vote against Cedillo’s bill on the homeless and hospitals.

Darrell Steinberg and Joe Simitian get their slots, following a Senate Rules meeting that Perata orchestrated.  With these two new Senators in place, Sen. Cedillo will bring up the bill again next week and it is expected to proceed.

This is not the first time that Correa and Calderon have gotten into hot water with Perata.  They came under fire for attending the fundraiser for the “Mod Squad” earlier this year.  See Cap Weekly for more. (h/t to Salladay)

Who cares for CA’s mentally ill? Sen. Cedillo. Who doesn’t? Sens. Calderon and Correa

Today, the Democratic Party and its values have been sold out to the American Hospital Association. From right underneath us, Sens. Correa and Calderon have decided that it’s totally cool to dump patients on Skid Row without their permission. I previously addressed this issue, but now I see that the so-called “Mod Squad” has decided that they like AHA cash…a lot. Like more than they care about their fellow human beings.  Or maybe more than their offices?

Well, “Mod Squad”, please inform me how dumping the mentally ill is moderate. In what world is that even morally acceptable? One that anybody actually wants to live in? 

From a Senator who actually cares about people:

“What does it say about our ethics and humanity?” asked Cedillo rhetorically when discussing the difficulty of the bill’s passage. “These people are more vulnerable than when they went in to the hospital. Who thinks this is OK?” (Capitol Weekly 5/16/07) 

Apparently Sen. Lou Correa (D?-Santa Ana) and Sen Ron Calderon (D-Montebello) think it’s fine and dandy. Give Correa a call at (916) 651-4034 or Calderon at (916) 651-4030. Or call Sen. Gil Cedillo at (916) 651-4022 to tell him that he shouldn’t give up on these issues…or just to tell him that he is a great Senator and suggest that he give some pointers on humanity to those that fail us.