Everyone has been going on and on about the SD-03 race here, and I’m about as far removed from a vested interest as one could be while still living in California, but it’s been good for horserace fun- it’s definitely the hot race in the halls here, with mountains of lit from all three sides. It actually reminds me of all the presidential buzz last year, and seems to be overshadowing the Clinton/Obama business so far (at least among the unscientific sample of folks I’m talking to). Joe Nation and Mark Leno have been working the crowds in their way, and Migden, well…she’s being herself as well, which from what I hear is at least pretty entertaining. On the flip is the banner she’s been running around the CC with, which turned a few heads for using the official seal of the State Senate while campaigning. That’s a little sketchy, but then what isn’t these days?
[Update by Julia] Sweet Melissa brings us the scene from the Women’s Caucus and it is jaw dropping.
We walked in and who was at the podium in front of hundreds of people? Carole Migden! And Mark Leno was standing in the back of the room! I looked around and saw lots of women holding Leno signs and gay men holding Migden signs. And the supporters were heckling each other! Hilarious!
I later learned that this was a meeting of the California Democratic Party Women’s Caucus. Migden launched into her speech, which fell pretty flat until she got to the part about how “women should vote for women” and pointed to a group of women in the corner of the room (some of whom were, um…not-petite) who were holding Leno signs and said:
“I mean, are those women or heavy guys?”
I shit you not.
Allow me to repeat that:
“I mean, are those women or heavy guys?”
The room was silent for a second while we all thought the same thing: “Did she just effing say that?” Then the place erupted with boos and curses that did not stop.
Sweet Melissa sums it all up by saying:
To recap: I wasn’t here two hours and I saw Migden get booed off the stage at the Women’s Caucus. This is going to be good.
Today at 4:30 there will be a potential endorsement vote for Midgen. The rules are different for incumbents then those running for an open seat. She only needs 50%+1 rather than 60%.
[Update by Lucas] Word is that Migden was hammering the same “women need to stick together” line at the Progressive Caucus last night. Always good when we can have an honest debate about the issues…