The next panel is a media panel. On this panel are jack Brady of the Newspaper Association of America, Aleita Huguenin of the California DNC Delegation, Cyrus Krohn of Yahoo!, George Ray of Univision, and Sam Rodriguez of National Cable Communications.
More over the flip…
Jack Brady talked about the importance of newspapers. Check out the NAA’s website here. It is true that newspapers are credible in ways that TV isn’t, and there is good targeting with newspapers.
Cyrus Krohn talked about the Yahoo behemoth’s various properties. Between Flickr, Yahoo Answers, Jumpcut, they are all over the place on the web. He admits to uploading video to YouTube, a Google property. Oooh, busted!
George Ray previously discussed the newly situated Univision. Ethnic media is of growing importance to campaigns. In California, there are almost 2.7 Registered Latino voters, about 1/7 of the electorate. Additionally, there are another 1+million Latinos eligible for naturalization.
Sam Rodriguez talked about micro-targeting. THis is something that Chris Bowers has talked about extensively. Cable has some great potential with Video on Demand and the wealth of different offerings. In 1992, Bob Mulholland worked micro-targeting exceptionally well, and well ahead of his time, to help elect Barbara Boxer. Good work, Bob!!