The day after America’s nursing movement announced its plans to use the tragedy and horror of SiCKO to spur people to action, the attacks are already beginning.
Fortunately, for you, me, and most people the attacks are best described as unintentionally hilarious. What moviemaker doesn’t want crazy anti-patient Web sites pumping our press releases about their product?
Cross-posted at the National Nurses Organizing Committee’s Breakroom Blog, as we organize to make 2007 the Year of GUARANTEED Healthcare–thanks to SiCKO.
You might have seen the plans: An unprecedented coalition of over a dozen activist nurse organizations will serve as the co-hosts of SiCKO, sponsoring screenings and premiers around the country, all of which will culminate on opening night, June 29th, when 3,000 RNs, doctors and other healthcare providers will fan out to every opening night around the country to talk with the audiences about how to transform their emotions into change. Many of them will be in red scrubs–keep an eye out. We have one goal: guaranteed healthcare now.
Robert Helms, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute told Cybercast News Service {said}…”what is sicko about both the California Nurses Association statement and the Michael Moore movie is the low level of understanding of our health care system that both reveal.
It is hilarious to me that the think tank who provided the intellectual architecture of a failed presidency would claim that nurses don’t understand the healthcare system. I mean…it’s who nurses are. Right?
Mr. Helms, however, seems a little shaky:
“Instead of destroying our system and copying the failed systems in Europe and Canada, we should attempt to reform both U.S. tax policy and Medicare and Medicaid payment policies so that consumers and providers have stronger incentives to compete on the basis of quality and cost effectiveness,”
So now he is bravely standing in opposition to nurses, Europe, Canada…the three horsepersons of the socialized medicine apocalypse. For the record, Europe and Canada both have superior healthcare systems.
I give Mr. Helms credit for understanding something: his corporate bosses have reason to be worried. SiCKO will change everything. The debate will become, “How are we going to deal with those out-of-control insurance companies?” And of course, we will have energized nurses, doctors, healthcare activisits, and patients from around the country working to answer that question with guaranteed healthcare on the single-payer model….like in Canada, Europe, and the rest of the industrialized world.
Finally, the silly Cato Institute gets their chance to try to tee off and whack the nurses. Michael Tanner swings and misses:
“The public is not going to see both sides of it when they see this movie, so I think it’s going to be effective from their point-of-view,” he told Cybercast News Service. “It’s designed to tug at the heart strings, not have a serious public policy debate.”
Tanner noted that we are likely to see other health care providers praising the movie.
“There is a great deal of interest in universal health insurance among some providers. It guarantees someone to provide their product,” said Tanner. “I’ve never known businesses yet that aren’t happy to have the government pay for what they sell.”
Those darn nurses again! They’re out there working for more healthcare for people. It’s a conspiracy!
Thanks for the pub guys.
And everyone else: go sign up to help on June 29th. Be one of the red scrubs–whether you’re a nurse, doctor, patient, friend, family, or healthcare activist. We need you to help capture this incredible historical moment and change healthcare history. Details to come…