Tag Archives: Angela Bradstreet

Angela Bradstreet Makes “Dead to Me” List

On Friday, August 11, 2006 at 11:30 in the morning Diane Feinstein Co-Chair Angela Bradstreet was officially put on notice. This wasn’t just a calling out, this actually involved photoshopping a picture. And now, she’s made the leap:

San Francisco attorney Angela Bradstreet was one of thousands of Democrats who voted for Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in last year’s gubernatorial election because of dissatisfaction with the party’s candidate, Phil Angelides.

But Bradstreet might have been the only Democrat last summer to be quoted in three of the state’s largest newspapers criticizing Angelides and vowing to support the governor.

Now, the Schwarzenegger has done something for her — appointing the 52-year-old Sausalito resident head of the state agency that oversees wages and workplace standards, a job that pays $134,000.

Will Senator Feinstein do the right thing and distance herself from this type of transactional politics against the Democratic Party?

Still, Bradstreet’s comments last summer to The Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, and the Sacramento Bee came at a critical time when many political contributors were trying to decide whether Angelides could beat Schwarzenegger and whether it made sense to support the Democrat. A lot of them decided against it, which was the story of the election.

Feinstein deserves some calls:

DC office:
  Phone: (202) 224-3841
  Fax: (202) 228-3954
  TTY/TDD: (202) 224-2501

write a local office here

here’s the info for the SF office:

Jim Molinari, State Director
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
TTY/TDD: 415/249-4785

Write a letter
Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Feinstein’s campaign co-chair endorses Arnold, gets put “on notice!”

I found this tidbit in the comments of our still brand spanking new people powered site GovernorPhil.com. It looks like Dianne Feinstein (who is up for re-election this year, and somehow managed to squeak by without getting Lamont-ed), has a problem. Namely that her campaign co-chair Angela Bradstreet, just
mouthed off to the press about how she is not going to vote for Phil Angelides in the fall… and why? because she’s sick of paying taxes! Ohhh… boo hoo…

“Quite frankly, I’m also sick and tired of paying taxes,” she said. “And that’s Angelides’ solution — raising taxes.”

If I may quote the great and wise philosopher Plato: “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”
Angela Bradstreet, you are officially “on notice”.

(quotes and more below the cut)

“A number of my Democratic friends, who have raised lots of money for Democrats, have said they cannot support Phil,” said Angela Bradstreet, a well known San Francisco attorney and co-chair of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s re-election campaign. “This is the first time I can remember it being so pronounced.”

Bradstreet, a Democrat who said she is voting for Schwarzenegger, argued that the governor has re-established himself as a moderate who has shown strong leadership on economic issues.

Well quite frankly i’m sick and tired of so-called Bloomberg “democrats” constantly wanting to have the world and not pay for it. It’s like the guy who always excuses himself to go to the bathroom whenever the bill comes. Pathetic.

Boo fucking hoo!
Taxes are the dues you pay for living in a modern civilized society.
If you don’t like the idea of paying taxes, then talk to Enron and the other energy companies that absconded with 9 Billion of the states money in the Rolling Blackmail. In fact talk to Arnold about that, as his buddy the departed Ken Lay was one of the people who benefited from that, which instigated the recall that got him into office.

Phil Angelides is the only candidate to say what needs to be said.
We need to be responsible and pay the debt off, that means tightening the belt a little.

Arnold just plans on borrowing and borrowing and borrowing until the states debt becomes insurmountable, much like Bush’s plan for the US.

Also the idea of Arnold as a moderate is simply laughable, and I wouldn’t call a policy to borrow, and borrow until the states debt becomes insurmountable, “strong leadership on economic issues.”

I can’t believe this waste of flesh is on Feinstein’s re-election committee.
Hey, she’s free to vote however she wants, but if you ask me, she should keep her trap shut, less it affect her candidates election chances.

If this infuriates you as much as it does me, feel free to send DiFi (who’s up for re-election this year) an

DC office:
  Phone: (202) 224-3841
  Fax: (202) 228-3954
  TTY/TDD: (202) 224-2501

write a local office here

here’s the info for the SF office:

Jim Molinari, State Director
One Post Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
TTY/TDD: 415/249-4785

Write a letter
Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Campaign office:
Feinstein for Senate
P.O. Box 67457
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 556-VOTE (8683)

Also Angela Bradstreet… You’re on NOTICE!


update: hat tip to MJB

DiFi appointed Angela Bradstreet to the “Northern California Federal Judicial Advisory Committee”, which recommends nominees for federal judgeships in northern California to the California senators and the White House.

Feinstein’s appointees on this committee ought to be loyal Democrats.

You know damn well that Bush is only appointing loyal Republicans to judge-picking committees — he would never give such a plum job to any Republican who endorses Democratic candidates.  So why should the Democratic seats on this committee go to fake Democrats like Bradstreet, who work to re-elect Republican governors?

When you call Feinstein’s office, ask that she demand that Ms. Bradstreet immediately resign her seat on the Northern California Federal Judicial Advisory Committee.

update: Well I had to call Dianne’s campaign again to get an official answer back, (so much for that call back eh?) but this time the guy I talked to was prepared with a statement.

The official word is that Angela Bradstreet speaking in a personal capacity and not for the campaign. That Dianne Feinstein was an early and enthusiastic supporter of Phil Angelides and continues to be so.

No word on if there is going to be a press release, public repudiation or other atonement on the part of DiFi, yet. Or for that matter of Bradstreet will continue to be involved with the campaign.