Tag Archives: Mike Hamersley

CA-4: The DCCC says it’s going to challenge 15% Doolittle

The DCCC is a really great bunch of people who are very successful.  Ok, sorry, I need to stop laughing now.  Anyway Rahm and the crew are finally considering supporting a candidate against 15% Doolittle:

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said Wednesday that it thinks it may have a shot at unseating Rep. John Doolittle, who is listed as among the most powerful members of the California congressional delegation in a nonpartisan survey out this week.

“The DCCC is very interested in this race and will possibly invest in it,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., the committee’s recruitment chief. Citing the Roseville Republican’s associations with key players in two congressional corruption scandals, Van Holleen said, “All the signs are good in this district.” (SacBee 5/18/06)

How forward looking of the DCCC.  They are challenging a corrupt Republican.  Wow, how ever did they come up with that idea?  Ol’ 15% has been cheating hhis consituents and the country as a whole, and you are going to think about sending some money in this direction.  Well, Representative, I suggest you think real hard about it.  California has been very, very good to the DCCC, perhaps it’s about time that the DCCC returns some attention in this direction.

And to the Democrats in this race: they are Lisa Rea, a Sacramento-area insider who has worked at the California Legislature, Charlie Brown, a retired Air Force helicopter pilot, and Mike Hamersly, a former whistleblower on large tax shelter fraud and employee of the California franchise tax board.  While it wouldn’t take much to improve upon 15% Doolittle, both Rea and Brown would be welcome additions to the California Congressional Delegation.