Once again, thanks to the folks at BlueNC for putting this together. Check out the flip…
It's Spring Break here in our neck of North Carolina. We're Tar Heel fans, so are glued to the tube during March Madness. Unfortunately, North Carolina is in for a different type of March Madness as the Clinton and Obama campaigns descend on the state. We have a short roundup this week while many of our state bloggers take a much needed break. Enjoy!
Oregon Steve Novick became the first Senate challenger to publically sign onto Darcy Burner's Responsible Plan for Iraq this week. The Pacific NW stands together!
California Landlord Groups think tenants activists are terrorists.
Ohio Akron blogger Pho contributes a thoughtful essay on Obama's speech, the reaction to the speech, and the reaction to the reaction to the speech.
Vermont Vermont citizen journalism site sued for comments posted on its site is vindicated in court, leaving a few “old media” stalwarts who had waxed excited about the prospect of a clampdown on blogs looking bad.
Minnesota Photos of Third-district congressional candidate Ashwin Madia at Drinking Liberally Minneapolis Thursday night — video is coming soon!
Rhode Island SDS at Brown University stage antiwar sit-in at military recruiting office; 8 students arrested.
Nebraska The Beatrice State Developmental Center stands to lose $30 million in federal funding, while facing charges of negligence and abuse from the U.S. Department of Justice. After three years of failure and incompetence from his administration, Republican Governor Dave Heineman accuses State Senators who talk about the situation of engaging in a “coordinated partisan attack.”
Alabama They're running against the war, even in Alabama! AL-02 Congressional candidate Cheryl Sabel signs on to the Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq.
Iowa The Iowa legislature has been busy, and desmoinesdem brings you the highlights from this week.
West Virginia The Democratic presidential candidates (finally!) arrived in West Virginia this week. Hillary Clinton visited West Virginia on Wednesday. We have multiple eyewitness reports as Barack Obama visited West Virginia on Thursday (with lots of pictures).
Louisiana Yet Another Special Election Pick-Up for Democrats, This Time in Louisiana? Cazayoux hits all the right economic populist notes in latest commercial. Democratic chances in LA-04 improve … as Democratic D.A. announces candidacy. RNSC wants a bloodbath in LA-SEN? Then let's give them one by donating to Mary!
North Carolina We've been discussin wind energy and birds at BlueNC.
Connecticut Connecticut caucuses to select its delegates.
New Mexico In New Mexico's Senate race, Environmentalists gather for Udall.