Tag Archives: Villariagosa

Monday Open Thread

Is it just me or is today a really freaking slow news day?  How about an open thread kiddos?  Let’s kick this thing off with a few interesting news items.  (I said it was slow not dead).

  • 2042 is now the projected year when Latinos will be the majority, and whites will be 26% of the population, Asians 13, blacks 5 and 2% multiracial.  We should be up to 60 million residents by the year 2050.  Thats a 25 million increase.
  • The reporters were not at Villaraigosa’s press conference to ask him about the grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for Green Dot Public Schools.  They were there for a more sexy issue.  Asked and answered was a question about other affairs while he was in office.  For the record the answer was no.  His staff did move him 20 feet away from the school kids, teachers and parents to answer the reporters questions.  I wonder if it prompted any interesting discussions on the kids’ rides home.
  • Uncle Jay’s project (Assignment Zero) doing some open-source journalism in partnership with Wired Magazine is being published this week.  Go check it out.  SusanG from the big orange has a Q and A to be released later this week.  Lots of good lessons learned in the published pages.

For some reason my friends are currently obsessed with this YouTube, even though it has been around for a year.  It’s really quite dumb, but for some reason it is funny: Charlie the Unicorn.

Or just watch the Chili Peppers play at Live Earth.