Tag Archives: Catholics

Catholic Democrats Organizing in California

Support includes prominent members of Congress

SAN JOSE, Calif. – August 28, 2007 –  The Catholic Democrats, a national organization of Democratic Roman Catholics, are now organizing in California. Led by Democratic activist Bill Roth of San Jose, this group hopes to build a broad-based organization of California Catholics who are seeking to represent Catholic policy perspectives within the State Democratic Party, and to accentuate the ways in which the Democratic Party is working to advance humanistic goals so well-articulated in Catholic Social Teaching.

“California Catholics voted overwhelmingly for the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2004,” said Dr Patrick Whelan, Executive Director of the Catholic Democrats.  “We are excited to build our local organization in California as a voice for faithful Catholics who focus on Gospel values like ministering to the poor, welcoming immigrants, and working through non-violent means to solve the world’s problems.”

Support is in evidence from prominent elected officials. “As a devout Catholic, I believe faith instructs the public forum.  I support the efforts of the Catholic Democrats and welcome their efforts on the critical issues of our time:  the war in Iraq, families, health care, economic justice and environmental stewardship.  I see this organization as helping to further the noble goals for our country and our Party,” said Congresswoman Anna Eshoo.

“We as Catholics are at home within the Democratic Party precisely because it has long championed the ideals of Catholic Social Teaching: supporting worker’s rights, stewardship of the environment, care for the sick, and equality of opportunity for all, to name a few,” said Roth, who will be the group’s initial state director.  “In our view, the Democratic party is actually doing something to advance religious values.  In his latest encyclical, Pope Benedict makes it clear that we must not only practice charity, but also actively work for justice. I see this organization as the response to this call.”

The Catholic Democrats of California will also be forming an advisory board to provide advice an counsel to the group. Some of the initial members include Jerl Laws,  Director of Interfaith Outreach, California Democratic Party, and Chris Stampolis, DNC Member, and Immediate Past President of the California Democratic Council. Additional members will be added in the coming months.

For more information on the national organization, see http://www.catholicd…. For more information on the California organization, see http://www.catholicd…. For information on joining, please call 408-221-1847, or email [email protected].

About Catholic Democrats

Catholic Democrats is a national non-profit organization of concerned Catholics, based in Boston. The organization was founded in 2004 as an outgrowth of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Call to Faithful Citizenship,” which is rooted in “a consistent moral framework anchored in the scriptures and expressed in the teachings of the Church.” The Catholic Democrats have members in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, with active local groups in a growing number of states.

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