Tag Archives: Malfeasance

Feinstein Wants to Hear From You Err… Maybe Not

Senator Dianne Feinstein wants to hear from you — or does she?

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D/R California) wants to hear from her constituents.  She has boldly stepped into the 20th century by including an “email contact” page on her ultra modern web site (see screenshots below). If you are surprised at how high tech it is, remember that she represents Silicon Valley. Her web site can be nothing less than hot.

She considerately adds modern internet “radio buttons” so the constituent communicator can easily select their area of concern.  Brilliant if I say so Miss Dianne and brava!

The text at her site says

Every e-mail I receive is read, and your opinions are carefully considered.

but there is no “OTHER” radio button. 

If you have an “OTHER” question not addressed by the site’s radio button selection, you will be forced to select an unrelated radio button topic.  That selection will get you a warm fuzzy squirmy non-response.  Ask about FISA and click the GAY ISSUES radio button and you will quickly receive an automatic GAY ISSUES vague non-response that has nothing to do with your FISA question.

Huh!?  It’s as if she is not truly carefully considering the opinions of her constituents.

Senator Feinstein has made a few odd, almost Liebermanish moves in the past months.

She strangely supported an extension of the odious FISA Act and recently inexplicably supported the Bush Administration’s circle jerk about MoveOn.org’s NYT howl during the run up to Petreaus.

None of the “radio buttons” has anything to do with her anti MoveOn.org vote nor her support of FISA.  She doesn’t  offer any explanation nor even a mention of her two votes supporting the Bush administration on her modern web site.


What’s a constituent to do?

Aha!  Her site offers what is called “Dianne’s Journal”.  Surely she would have journaled about those controversial votes but…

no, she hasn’t journaled for her constituents since April 2007.  Wake up Dianne!

If you don’t make more of an effort to at least appear to be somewhat interested in carefully considering the opinions of your constituents, you may be doing K Street work for hubby’s interests after 2012.

But before that happens, Diane, please fix your web site.  It is an embarrassment.  It is shameful for the goyim to see such drek.