Tag Archives: David Bejarano

The Smoke Filled Rooms Don’t Always Work So Well

Down in AD-78 (Bonita, Lemon Grove, East of SD), Shirley Horton is scheduled to be termed out in 2008. Unless, that is, the term limits initiative passes. But, the San Diego Cty. Republican Party and the GOP Assembly Caucus have been working from the notion that it was not going to pass. So, they've been scratching their heads trying to find a nominee.  You see, this is actually a contested seat. Seriously. And it's a seat that Democrats should hold. Registration is 41 percent Democratic to 35 percent Republican, yet Shirley Horton has beaten back fairly strong challengers in all three elections. She most recently defeated Maxine Sherard by 5,000 votes. 

Well, so funny story in the ol' 78th. The Assembly GOP Caucus tried to clear the field for the San Diego Police Chief, David Bejarano. Too bad they didn't really get the all clear from Bejarano. You see, he's not running now that they've cleared the field. And they are left with the guy that they tried to clear from the field as the presumptive nominee. Flip it…

As an aside, if you're interested in learning a bit about how Allen Hoffenblum of the California Target Book knows very little about the Democratice electorate for the primary, check out this story, where he totally ignores Sherard in favor of her primary opponent. Sherard proceeded to win the primary by 17 points.


The Assembly Republican Caucus sought to avoid an expensive primary fight and earlier had muscled McCann aside in favor of Bejarano, a member of the Chula Vista Elementary School District board who had also served as U.S. marshal for San Diego and Imperial counties for two years after 24 years in the San Diego Police Department.But Bejarano abandoned plans to run, citing family considerations, giving McCann's candidacy a new lease on life.

Tony Krvaric, chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County, confirmed the scenario. “The Assembly Caucus tried to do that,” Krvaric said. “They're the ones responsible to raise the money and pick up seats. Hopefully, we're going to try to stay united behind one candidate.” (SD U-T 10/5/07)

So, those primary elections are for what exactly? A show of unity? Sometimes when I get frustrated about the unwillingness in Democratic circles to use the freaking primary process I just have to think about the Republican process too make me feel a little bit more comfortable. Not a lot, but it could be worse. 

At any rate, Auday Arabo, who raised almost $400K by the end of Q2, appears to be the favorite for the Democratic nomination.