Today is a historic day in Los Angeles city history. By a vote of 12-2, the Los Angeles City Council passed a resolution calling for the immediate return of our troops from Iraq. Originally drafted and spearheaded by the great Councilman Rosendahl, it was great to see the city put on record for this.
Nearly 100 citizens filled the city council in support of the resolution this morning. Of those 100 citizens, roughly one dozen of them (including myself) spoke in 1:30 minute increments about the importance of passing the resolution. There was only one dissenting voice in the audience in opposition to the resolution.
Passing the resolution was important for Los Angeles and the country because of the impact the war is having here at home. California has lost nearly $60 billion in tax revenue because of the war, with Los Angeles losing approximately $5 billion in revenue. In a stroke of perfect timing, the discussion prior the ours was about 17 bridges that are rated structurally deficient in the city of Los Angeles.
Thank you to all of the citizens that took time out of their busy day to attend this and support the resolution. And I’d like to extend a special thank you to all councilmembers who voted their conscience and supported the troops today by calling for their safe and expedient return.
Below is text from the resolution as passed:
CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION (ROSENDAHL – PARKS – WESSON – ET AL) relative to the withdrawal of United States military personnel from Iraq.
Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE CONCURRENCE OF THE MAYOR:
RESOLVE that the City of Los Angeles include in its 2007-08 Federal Legislative Program the following positions:
a. On behalf of the citizens of the City of Los Angeles, the City URGE the President of the United
States to immediately commence a rapid, humane, and complete withdrawal of United States
military personnel, contractors supporting the military effort, and military bases from Iraq.
b. URGE the United States Congress to appropriate medical, psychological, financial, and educational assistance for veterans.
c. URGE redirection of the financial resources used to prosecute the war in order to address
neglected domestic needs, including health, education, mass transit and infrastructure, and
homeland security.
d. RECOGNIZE that the stability of Iraq is crucial to the security of the citizens of Los Angeles andto all Americans, URGE the United States government to provide the people of Iraq with nonmilitary material aid to support the security of Iraq’s citizens and the rebuilding of Iraq.