Dave mentioned this in the Quickies, but I wanted to go into a little more depth on the man, the myth, the government plunderer that is James Rogan. (Not to be confused with Joe Rogan, the guy from FearFactor.)
So, here’s what happened with this judicial appointment. Rogan was appointed to a state judgeship by Arnold last summer. It was controversial at the time because, after all, Rogan was one of the lead impeachment folks on Clinton. Rogan was an angry man, you see. Or at least acted like he was enraged that a president would, I dunno, be human. So the guy has a long history of being a partisan hack, works as a judge on state court for a few months and poof! he’s qualified for a lifetime appointment to the federal bench. Ummm, right.
So, California has a little process of judicial appointments since Bush came into office, called the Parsky Commission, yup it’s named after the famed Bush fundraiser Gerry Parsky. So Parsky and our two Senators help recommend Judges for appointments so that they could pass Senate confirmation. It didn’t work so smoothly this time:
“When the Parsky Commission was set up in 2001, Sen. Boxer said it was her hope and expectation that the process would result in ‘highly qualified, moderate judicial candidates.’ Over the years, the process has worked beautifully,” Ravitz said. “This time we disagree.”
White House spokesman Trey Bohn declined to comment beyond encouraging support for Rogan. “Judge Rogan enjoys broad bipartisan support and we urge the Senate to confirm him,” said Bohn. (Fresno Bee 12.5.07)
Bipartisan support? Really? From the guy who pursued a bitterly partisan impeachment?