The Homeowner’s Protection Act has now qualified for the June 2008 ballot. It is a real reform of eminent domain that doesn’t have any hidden agendas. If passed by voters, the Homeowners Protection Act will prevent governments from using eminent domain to take an owner-occupied home to transfer to a private party. The measure is a direct response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo v. the City of New London decision from 2005.
The measure will appearon the June ballot, alongside the Hidden Agendas Measure, backed by the right-wing Howard Jarvis group. That measure would eliminate rent control, reduce affordable housing and have wide-raning effects for the state and local regulations of property. Nan Brasmer, president of the California Alliance for Retired Americans said, “The Hidden Agendas Scheme is nothing more than a trick by wealthy landlords. We’re confident voters who are serious about eminent domain reform will support our measure, the Homeowners Protection Act, and see through the deceptive agenda of the Hidden Agendas Scheme campaign.”
To your right, you see video (or will soon) from the Save Rent Control Meeting in SF last Saturday.