Over at California Conversations, they have an interview and story about former Congressman Gary Condit. Condit was one of those go-getters from the start. He ran for Ceres City Council without ever attending a meeting, an interesting tack, I suppose. However, he did so by leveraging grassroots assets. He spent a total of just $67 to garner the 1300 votes that got him his first victory.
He rapidly rose through the ranks by always being available and always going the extra mile for his constituents. And by 1982 he was in the Assembly, eventually founding the “Gang of Five” along with once and present Assembly Member Charles Calderon. Condit used the five votes to decimate Speaker Willie Brown’s progressive agenda, voting against an array of bills small and large. The Gang of Five eventually was brought down and Brown had the last laugh. Unfortunately for us, Charles Calderon is back, and allegedly tried to play his old games to garner the Speakership. It seems the Gang of 5 has a legacy. A legacy that the Democrats would do best to forget.
For instance, some of his charming Rovian speech:
CC: You came up with the idea to rebate budget reserves in excess of 4%…is that the beginning of you being more conservative or a populist?
GC: Governor Jerry Brown’s administration built up a huge surplus. I believe in a rainy day fund. I also believe tax money belongs to the people.
Condit continued on with his kowtowing to so-called “moderate” values by forming the Blue Dog Coalition when he was elected to Congress. The Blue Dogs, of course, have managed to be a thorn in the side of progressives and good legislation ever since.
The interview is worth a read, if only to learn a thing or two from the other side.