Tag Archives: Democratic County Central Committees

Ventura County Blues

Ventura County Democrats deserve a huge shout-out from all of us. On Monday, their Registrar of Voters announced that the number of registered Democrats has surpassed the number of registered Republicans, turning Ventura County blue. Here’s the announcement from the Ventura County Democrats website:

The Republicans have held the advantage for over 20 years in the county. Just 4 years ago, that advantage was a daunting 16,000. Today Dems took the lead, with 439 more registered Democrats than Reps.

The numbers are as follows:

  • Dem: 150,066
  • Rep: 149, 627
  • DTS: 69,987

We’ve got a great team in the local Dem Party and more are joining us to get involved in this exciting Presidential election year. Congrats to all involved who made this happen!

Hmm. Do you think it’s a coincidence that the very next day after this announcement was made, Tom McClintock fled his home in Ventura County, making the 418 mile trip up to CA-04 in search of a red district?  

We’ve been writing for the last couple of weeks about the important role that Democratic County Central Committees play throughout the State of California.  The stunning gains being made in Democratic registration are just one example of their great work.  But you know what? These Central Committees are only as strong as their members.

Up in Tom McClintock’s new home, CA-04, there are nine counties (count them — Butte, El Dorado, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento and Sierra). Their Democratic County Central Committees are also working hard to register Democrats and support Democratic candidates like Charlie Brown — and we hope that they’re successful in chasing Tom McClintock out of CA-04, as well.

But each one of those Democratic County Central Committees needs the help of committed, hard-working Democrats in their communities. Several of these County Central Committees in CA-04 don’t even have enough candidates running for office to make it onto the ballot.

Even the mighty Ventura County Central Committee needs your help. According to their website, four out of five districts in Ventura County still have vacant slots; overall, just two days away from the end of the filing period, they are six candidates short of having a complete Central Committee.

Time is running out. The deadline for filing to become a candidate is this Friday, March 7, at 5:00 p.m. But it’s not too late to get started. Just head on over to the CDP website to get all the information on how you can file before Friday to run for your Democratic County Central Committee.

Who knows — if we all work hard enough at organizing, maybe Tom McClintock will be left with nowhere to run!


Online Organizing Director

California Democratic Party