Tag Archives: McKeown delegate Denver Obama

Kevin McKeown seeks Denver votes from CD 30

As a delegate to the state Democratic convention in San Jose last week, I helped the Progressive Democrats of America team change the state party platform on the war in Iraq.  See http://www.laprogressive.com/2…

Now I need your support to become your national delegate, and carry the same progressive agenda to the national party at the August convention in Denver.  Please come to the 30th CD (Waxman’s district) Obama delegate caucus:

WHEN  This Sunday, April 13th at 2pm

WHERE  Rancho Park Rec Center, 2551 Motor Ave. in L.A., just south of Pico

           (note change from previously announced UCLA location)

To vote at the caucus, you must be there by 3pm at the latest.  While there’ll be opportunity to socialize with fellow Obama Democrats and hear a number of speakers, you need not stay all afternoon to cast your vote.  As a Santa Monica City Councilmember in my third term, I know how to make progressive politics work and how to effectively advocate our progressive agenda.  Please take the time on Sunday to come cast your vote for Kevin McKeown as one of your Obama delegates.