Anne Krueger, San Diego Union-Tribune, April 22, 2008:
Blackwater abandoned the East County site because gunfire tests there showed the noise exceeded county standards.
Anne Krueger, San Diego Union-Tribune, April 23, 2008:
On March 7, Blackwater dropped plans to build on the 824-acre Potrero site after noise tests showed gunfire shots exceeded county standards.
Anne Krueger, San Diego Union-Tribune, April 28, 2008:
The company scuttled its previous plans to build a training center in the East County community of Potrero after noise tests showed gunfire at the site exceeded county standards.
I know the “oldest business in San Diego” has a reputation of thinking that if you repeat something enough it will be accepted, but those days are gone. Nowadays, such crap just makes the reporter look like a hack stenographer.