Earlier this month, I campaigned with my friend and brother, Retired USAF Lt. Col. Charlie Brown. I was proud to be with him as he unveiled his first TV ad of the 2008 campaign.
The room that morning was a story unto itself. Veterans young and old, standing shoulder to shoulder to support a man who understands what it’s like to put your life on the line for our country—a leader who understands what it means to make and keep a promise.
Charlie’s campaign has always been different. That’s why he’s donating 5% of every dollar he raises to help veteran service providers throughout the area. But he’s not just giving back, he’s giving hope to all who are looking for a higher standard of leadership in Washington.
We need Charlie in Congress. He’s been there for our country. Now I’m asking you to join me in being there for him.
Please take a moment and contribute to Charlie right now.
I put together a short web video during my visit so I can tell you personally, what this race and this candidate means to our country.
Visit Charlie’s website to check out my short web video, or you can watch it here on YouTube or here below:
Charlie’s opponents are career politicians who have spent millions of dollars attacking one another. They’ve even attacked Charlie’s historic Veterans Charity Challenge program. Every dollar they spend on petty squabbling and empty sound bites is a reminder of why Washington is broken and why we need new leadership in Congress.
Take a minute right now, view Charlie’s new TV commercial and make a donation to his campaign. Make a commitment to creating a different kind of politics.
“Patriotism before Partisanship” is not just the mission of Charlie’s campaign-but the clear choice that confronts the people of District 4 in this election.
That’s why the nation’s largest organization for Independents, as well as the largest political group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have both endorsed Charlie’s candidacy.
And it’s why I am asking you to help today-to help Charlie raise the $100,000 he needs to spread his positive message across the 17,000 square miles of District Four before June 3rd.
I’ll be back to campaign with Charlie again. And when I do, with your help, I’ll be seeing this great TV commercial on the air.
Thanks in advance for your continued support.
U.S. Senator Max Cleland
Captain, U.S. Army, Retired
P.S. Please stand strong with Charlie Brown right now, so he can stand strong for us in Washington. Contribute what you can to help keep Charlie’s ad on the air today.