Tag Archives: Same Sex Marriage

Connecticut Supreme Court Overturns Marriage Ban

A significant and hopefully well-timed ruling given the fight against Prop 8:

“Interpreting our state constitutional provisions in accordance with firmly established equal protection principles leads inevitably to the conclusion that gay persons are entitled to marry the otherwise qualified same sex partner of their choice,” Justice Richard N. Palmer wrote in the majority opinion that overturned a lower court finding.

“To decide otherwise would require us to apply one set of constitutional principles to gay persons and another to all others,” Palmer wrote. (NY Times 10/10/08)

That’s what the fight against Prop 8 is all about – the Mormon Church and Yes on 8 campaign want to treat same-sex couples as different and lesser people, with inferior and incomplete rights. The concepts of equal protection and equal rights make it clear that we must recognize their right to marry.

How will Connecticut react?

Gov. M. Jodi Rell said Friday that she disagreed, but will not fight the ruling.

“The Supreme Court has spoken,” Rell said in a statement. “I do not believe their voice reflects the majority of the people of Connecticut. However, I am also firmly convinced that attempts to reverse this decision — either legislatively or by amending the state Constitution — will not meet with success.”

California politicians were saying the same thing back in May, you’ll recall, but here we are on the verge of Prop 8 passing. If you haven’t donated to the No on 8 campaign what are you waiting for?!

The Yes on 8 Campaign: Nothing But Lies and Fear

I will be on KRXA 540 AM at 8 this morning to discuss this and other topics in California politics

It’s a common theme from the right this year – when the public turns on you and your failed ideology, respond with a barrage of lies, fear, and fear-based lies. We’ve seen it from John McCain, from Sarah Palin, and even from high speed rail critics.

But few campaigns are more egregious in their lies than those of the Yes on 8 campaign. And few campaign lies have the potential to do so much damage to civil rights in California as theirs.

Take the newest ad from the Yes on 8 campaign. This one focuses on the lie that if Prop 8 fails, kids might be taught about same-sex marriages in schools, against their parents’ will.

This is complete nonsense. A Sacramento judge ruled that this claim was “false and misleading” in the context of the ballot argument.

More significantly, California law is explicit in prohibiting any school to teach a child anything about health and family issues at school if their parents object.

Because of that crystal-clear provision, the Yes on 8 campaign has had to mention Massachusetts, where the laws are not so protective of family rights and religious freedoms. By citing Massachusetts they are able to mislead voters.

Which is ironic because back when I was in Sunday School, so many years ago, I remember pretty clearly being taught that it’s wrong to lie and mislead.

Still, the Yes on 8 campaign is having improved poll numbers – fear and lies work in politics, especially if we don’t fight back and challenge them.

The Yes on 8 campaign is also pulling far ahead in the money race – at least $7 million ahead of the No on 8 campaign. In response the No on 8 campaign has raised around $1 million over the last few days, but we need to seriously step that up.

More money for No on 8 helps counter the lies with ads like their newest at right, phone banks, and other ways to explain to Californians why it is wrong to eliminate marriage for anyone.

Here’s what you can do to help the No on 8 campaign:

  1. Contribute to the campaign using the Calitics ActBlue page.  If you have the cash to give big give big.  If you only have $5 or $10, give what you can.  Yes, your money will be spent on TV ads, but unfortunately that is the way we win elections here in California.
  2. Volunteer. Show up at a local campaign office.  They are all over the state.  Or stay in the comfort of your own home to phone bank.  We win this by persuading more undecideds to vote No on Prop 8.
  3. Talk to your friends and family about Prop. 8.  Lot’s of people are still confused that supporting marriage equality means voting No. To that end, the Courage Campaign has created what the Politiker is calling“the most humorous TV ad of the fall election season”.  They like it, we think it’s pretty funny, but watch it for yourself.

    It is aimed at straight people, using a privacy, “get the government out of my pants” argument.  The undecided electorate is quirky.  Some of your friends will be swayed by talk about fundamental rights being taken away.  Others with a more libertarian streak may like the video. Tailor your discussion to your friends.

Mike Lumpkin Rejects Extremists’ Wedge Issue on Same Sex Marriage

(An interesting tack to take in the 52nd district – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

Mike Lumpkin, retired Navy SEAL and candidate for the 52nd Congressional District, released the following press release this morning regarding yesterday’s California Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage.

Yesterday the California Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved ban on gay marriage igniting a storm of divisive partisan reaction across the nation. Retired Navy SEAL Commander and 52nd Congressional District Candidate, Mike Lumpkin, sees the decision and subsequent reaction as an unfortunate yet expected diversion. “Election after election extremists drive this emotionally polarizing issue and marginalize the concerns of everyday Americans,” said Lumpkin.  

The foundation of Commander Lumpkin’s campaign comes from the pro-American creed he lived by for 21 years as a Navy SEAL, “In the military there is no ‘right’ or ‘left’ there is only right or wrong for America.” Lumpkin believes divisive politics are the reason America has gotten so far off track and he is committed to solving issues that transcend extreme politics. “Americans understand the urgency of working together; our deficit is spiraling out of control, we are outsourcing jobs, military families face extended deployments, the border is not secure, and Social Security is in trouble. Americans are smart, patriotic folks and we want our country back. We have too much at stake to let perennial wedge agendas hijack our national discussion,” said Lumpkin. “Same-sex marriage is a states’ rights issue and today’s decision is not surprising given California’s constitution. If the decision is contrary to the will of the majority then Californian’s must change our state’s constitution.”

Congressional candidate Duncan Hunter Jr. responded by saying “Families are under assault by out of control liberal judges.” However, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s and Log Cabin Republican President Patrick Sammon’s support for the decision underscores the fact that same-sex marriage is neither a Democratic nor a Republican issue.

“Extremists have some harsh realities to face; this ruling is not the product of a liberal court. Three of the four justices who made the decision were Republican appointees,” said Lumpkin’s campaign manager, Chris Young. “The people who used gay-marriage as a wedge issue to get into office controlled the House, the Senate, the Whitehouse, and had a 5-4 majority in the Supreme Court for six years. If senior Congressmen like Duncan Hunter were committed to an anti-gay marriage amendment and they didn’t get the job done, they were incompetent or insincere. Either way, the American people deserve better,” said Young.

Commander Mike Lumpkin served 21 years in the U.S. Navy including eight operational tours as a Navy SEAL on continents across the world. He received over 40 commendations and awards during his service. He was Deputy Commander of Joint Special Operations Task Forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He has served as the officer in charge of all west coast SEAL teams, managing over 2000 military and civilian personnel with budgets over $300 million. In addition, Commander Lumpkin served as the liason to Congress for the US Special Operations Command. He was born and raised in Vista. Commander Lumpkin and his wife Jill have one son and two beautiful granddaughters. They reside in Jamul.