Tag Archives: Service Employees International Union

PURPLE PRIDE for SEIU members at the SEIU International Convention in Puerto Rico

Hello, I am a proud member of SEIU Healthcare 775 NW in Washington State.  We are a totally member driven statewide “local” of long term care workers.  I put the word local in quotes because we actually are no longer contained within one state’s borders.  We have members in Western Montana too.  Before SEIU, caregivers in WA State made minimum wage with no benefits.  I personally had no health insurance for years.  Now, with a strong statewide union we have been able to improve our lives with such benefits including:

Full medical, dental, and vision insurance for only $17 a month!  No deductible, very low co-pays!

Wage scale increases each year and step increases for every 2000 hours worked

Vacation pay

And the best benefit for me is the camaraderie of the union itself!  We really are brothers and sisters, united for a common purpose.

I have been doing home care for almost 10 years.  I have always been in the medical profession; I am a Medical Assistant and a Pharmacy Technician.  But like many others who do this work, I didn’t choose caregiving, it chose me when my husband was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.  He passed away in September, but I have stayed in this profession because it is so rewarding to be able to help people.  I love being in SEIU 775 because I can be around people who feel the same way.

I would just like to say how encouraging it is to have the International Convention going on right when we are on the verge of a change in regime, so to speak, in the White House.  This is perfect timing in my book!  Look at how much we are going to be able to accomplish in the next four years.  I’ll bet that four years from now, and even in years to come after that, when we look back it will be with pride for our accomplishments!

Karen Washington

SEIU Healthcare 775 NW