Tag Archives: stuff

Tuesday Open Thread

Already 75 degrees here in Monterey. Saw some dolphins out past the kelp at San Carlos Beach. Nice cool ocean breeze. Who needs Denver when you have the Pacific Ocean?

Some of the happenings in and around California politics this morning:

  • McCain dropped by Sacramento yesterday and told donors he would not “take your money and leave.” If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you – but then again if he wants to pour money into California, be my guest…
  • SoCal housing prices fall by 25% from 2007 – maybe now my sister can buy a house in Orange County? More seriously, the foreclosure wave is hitting low-income tenants hard as the few landlords who do take Section 8 renters are losing their properties. This leaves the tenants with, in some cases, nowhere to go.
  • More layoffs in print media as McClatchy plans to offer buyouts to over half the Sac Bee’s full-time staff. Their sister paper, the Modesto Bee, offered buyouts to ALL full-timers recently. I know the traditional media likes to blame us big bad bloggers for their woes, but I strongly doubt it’s the blogs that are hurting Central Valley papers.
  • Speaking of the traditional media, not every outlet is playing along with the “omg Democrats disunited” story. The Salinas Californian has a good, if brief piece on Shawn Bagley, CDP Region 9 Director and one of Monterey County’s elected DNC delegates. He was a Hillary supporter and was elected as a Hillary delegate, but is strongly pro-Obama now, as are most of his colleagues. The only PUMAs around here are the mountain lions lurking amongst the oaks…

Got anything else? Add it!

UPDATE by Dave:

  • Karen Bass wisely cancelled the three-day vacation for the Assembly, after recognizing that, while Republicans have hijacked the state budget, it’s important for Democrats to keep working, even during the convention.