Tag Archives: General Wesley Clark

CA-04 Gen Clark and Charlie Brown, 7 photos in September

506 Clark/Brown

Brown08 Sept 4, 2008. left to right, General Wesley Clark, Tim Burke of Cottage Housing,Carol and Duane Zanon of GOHC, Dana Hendrickson of Rebuild Hope, Charlie Brown, as Charlie presents his second charity contribution for the Promises Kept Veterans Charity Challenge on Sept 4, 2008 in Roseville, CA.

“We always hear about candidates spending money to communicate their campaign promises,” Brown said.  “I think it’s high time we had a few who invested a little money in keeping them.”

“Among other things, Charity Challenge funds are helping to house and feed the homeless, connect at-risk veterans with earned benefits and healthcare services, and to prevent disabled Iraq and Afghanistan vets from falling through the cracks during tough economic times,” Brown said.  

The Brown campaign donated $30,000 total to 3 different charities,Cottage Housing, the Greater Oroville Homeless Coalition, and Rebuild Hope. The recipients were determined by online polling.

http://www.cottagehousing.org Cottage Housing Inc. “home to a brighter future.”

http://home.comcast.net/~gohc/… Greater Oroville Homeless Coalition. “Helping Families One at a time.”

http://www.rebuildhope.org Rebuild Hope. “Americans taking care of their own.”

“It’s important to call attention to the challenges war fighters and their families face when they come home.  However if history has taught us anything, it’s that we can’t let the conversation end there, and too often it does,” Brown said.  “The Promises Kept program is about bringing people together to keep that dialogue going and take action, because we can all be part of the solution here in our community.”



499 Speakers

Brown08 Speakers Joshua Steward, Gen Clark, Don Harper,Chairperson of Veterans for Brown, Tim Burke, Carol Zanon.  What you can’t see here is that it is over a hundred degrees in the sun this afternoon and that even I have a water bottle tucked in a pocket to pour on myself or anybody if it gets too intense.  The audience was under a shade shelter, but I think this park could use a few trees.



0514_2 Lincoln Dems

9/4/8LincDem   The Lincoln Area Democratic Club is Fired Up and Ready to Go. Imagine the shock of the commuter traffic returning home Thursday evening the night of the RNC convention and seeing this at the busiest intersection in town.  I had to stop and talk to them and take their picture after I saw this driving back from seeing Gen Clark and Charlie Brown in Roseville at the Veterans Charity Presentation.  This view was taken from the median. The reaction from the drivers was interesting. Some honked enthusiastically, and I could tell some were slightly less enthusiastic but didn’t want to be caught being unpolite.



0531 Care packages

Brown08 Friday Morning Sept 5, 2008. Democrats at Work and General Wesley Clark graciously assist us in making care packages to send to Marines deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. What an energetic crowd, the room was humming !

The donated items were sorted out onto tables and then the boxes were passed around to be filled.  (Note the famous disco ball on the ceiling of the Historic Roseville Opera House.)




9/5/8BrnClkRv Filling the boxes



9/5/08BrnClkRv  Writing letters of support to put in the care packages.  I was fortunate to catch this. There was no big announcement, I just noticed a few people looking over at the corner and went over to see that Gen. Clark and Charlie were also writing letters along with the rest of us.



0539 ThomasBates

9/5/8BrnClkRv   Thomas Bates of Democrats at Work. They partner up with different organizations needing volunteers and help organize.   He says he’s trying to change the way people engage in politics. Look how tidied up they’ve got the room already after our project!

And that’s what we’re doing during the other convention. Anybody care to join us ?

Here is Charlie Brown’s website:  http://www.charliebrownforcong…

Saturday morning September 6th is another Day of Action for canvassers and phone bankers. Roseville, Auburn, Placerville, Grass Valley, Oroville, and now Truckee all will have offices. http://www.charliebrownforcong…

Charlie Brown also should be at the Gold Country Fair up in Auburn Saturday afternoon Sept 6 after 2 pm.

(photos by diary author. turning Northern California blue one pixel at a time )