Tag Archives: appropriations

Call Dianne Feinstein to Save Organics!

I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is that Bush and the Senate are trying to cut funding for organics. The good news is that we Californians have a Senator on the sub-committee in charge of this, so our calls MATTER. Dianne Feinstein is on the Ag Appropriations sub-committee. Let’s make her phones ring off the hook.

San Francisco: (415) 393-0707

LA: (310) 914-7300

San Diego: (619) 231-9712

The exact message you need to get across to Feinstein is: Please keep funding for Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative at its current levels ($18 million for 2009) in the 2009 budget. (OREI is the USDA’s premier organic ag research program.) Ask to give this message to the appropriations staffer.

You can find details and talking points on the Organic Farming Research Foundation site.

Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Salinas residents: Sam Farr (CA-17) co-chairs the House Organic Caucus and he is also on the House Ag Appropriations sub-committee. He’s already pro-organic and he’s in a good spot to be influential in the house. If you live in his district, PLEASE call: 202-225-2861 or 831-429-1976.