Tag Archives: phone banking

60 Minutes For 60 Seats

We’re only two days away from a gaining a 60-seat filibuster-proof US Senate majority.

On Tuesday, December 2nd, the good citizens of Georgia will go to the polls for the second time in less than a month to chose their next Senator in an unexpected run-off election. Currently Democractic challenger Jim Martin trails Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss by only a few percentage points. But the polls mean nothing. Turnout means everything.

We need your help to get out the vote. Will you commit to taking 60 minutes out of your busy schedule between now and 3pm on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd?

Just go to this website to get started making calls:


Why do I say we’re only two days away from a gaining a 60-seat filibuster-proof Senate majority? Because with Al Franken projected to eek it out in a drama-filled Minnesota recount (by only 27 votes, according to fivethirtyeight.com!),  the only thing standing between advancing Barack Obama’s ambitious agenda to reform our health care system, create 2.5 million new jobs with much need infrastructure and green technology programs, get our economy back on it’s feet with responsible fiscal policy, and develope alternative energy programs that will wean us off foreign oil is Saxby Chambliss, a one-term Georgia disgrace, who only got his Senate seat by smearing a triple-amputee war hero as a friend to terrorists.

Just go to this website to get started making calls:


If you’re not already a member on mybarackobama.com, just create a new account. It will take you all of five minutes. Then log on and follow the directions to make calls from your home or office.

Can you commit 60 minutes? Especially on Election Day? Remember, Georgia is 3 hours ahead of us and their polls are open from 7am to 7pm local time. Can you committ to waking up an hour earlier than normal Tuesday so you can make phone calls?  How about shifting your morning workout to the evening?

Isn’t healthcare reform, a clean environment, 2.5 million new jobs and sustainable, renewable energy worth an hour of your time?

Just go to this website to get started making calls:


Georgia On Our Mind

Jim Martin’s Georgia Senate campaign has reached out to former Obama phone bank groups all over the country, but has made a special effort to reach out to California.

I’m happy to report we’re answering the call here in Southern California. Read on if you want to learn how you can help.

As you might have heard in the news, neither Democratic challenger Jim Martin nor Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss received 50% of the vote November 4th, so Georgia will be holding a runoff election December 2nd, with early voting starting tomorrow, November 17th.

As it stands now, the Democrats are within spitting distance of reaching a 60-seat filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. As of today, it looks like Republican Ted Stevens of Alaska will lose his seat as the last absentee ballots are counted in that state, and Al Franken is within a couple of hundred votes in Minnesota, pending a mandatory recount. If both those seats stay in the Democratic column, it will bring our majority to 59; a successful Georgia runoff bringing us up to the magic number 60.

Republicans are pouring resources into the state, John McCain is campaigning for Chambliss, and the RNC is plastering the airwaves with negative ads.

But Jim Martin has a secret weapon. Us.

Martin’s campaign has reached out to the “Fightin’ 36th” (CD 36)  and other California Obama phone bank groups, knowing we were the engine that drove the GOTV effort for states all over the country.

Missing the old gang? Pining away for call lists and vote builder log-ins?

Have we got the phone banks for you!

Saturday, November 22

Pot Luck Phone Bank


913 Marco Place, Venice, CA 90291

Bring your cell phones, your chargers, and a dish!

We’ll provide the drinks!

Sunday, November 23

BBQ Phone Bank and Hot Tub Extravaganza


758 Palms Blvd., Venice, CA 90291

Bring your cell phones, chargers, bathing suit and a side dish. We’ll supply the drinks, burgers and hot water!

Please RSVP to [email protected] so we’ll know how much food to prepare. D-day claims he’ll bring Snickerdoodles!