Tag Archives: CBP

Monday Open Thread

Here you are:

• Antonio Villaraigosa has been an outspoken supporter of Israel, and during the current mess in Gaza he’s being called on it.  We are at least seeing cracks in the one-way, “thou shalt never criticize Israel” policy that has thus far ruled our discourse.

• Meg Whitman is so tech-savvy that she can’t even get her domain names for her gubernatorial run away from a cyber-squatter.  This is someone I want managing a 21st-century economy!

• Marc Cooper, who is occasionally grating, gives his post-mortem on finally leaving the LA Weekly.  It wasn’t so long ago that the Weekly had a stable of great writers doing local, national and even international stories of significance, and then the New Times bought up the independent weekly and turned it into a pile of sour mash.  This is another journalistic casualty, but the culprit here is excessive consolidation.  I don’t even pick up the Weekly anymore.

• A big blogospheric welcome to California Budget Bites, the new blog of the California Budget Project.  Bookmark this one, folks, it’ll come in very handy over the next several weeks.  The CBP does some great work and I’m glad to see them enter the fray.

Anything else?