Tag Archives: 15%

CA-04: Doolittle doing a bit too much for Abramoff

A repeat diary of WHP’s diary here, but what’s done is done, so I thought I’d put it up in the middle of the night.

It apparently doesn’t even take that much cash to convince John Doolittle that an island without labor laws that promotes forced abortions is really a great idea. 

Rep. John Doolittle helped Jack Abramoff secure a lucrative lobbying contract with the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in 1999 and then assisted the now-disgraced lobbyist’s efforts to route federal money to the islands and defend its garment industry, newly obtained documents show.

Doolittle accepted $14,000 in contributions from Abramoff — $4,000 to his congressional re-election committee and $10,000 to his California political action committee.

The first contribution came just a few weeks before Doolittle endorsed the election of a key commonwealth politician crucial to Abramoff winning the contract. The last Abramoff contribution came just as the Mariana Islands’ lobbying contract was expiring in December 2001. (SacBee 8/5/06)

I get real sarcastic on the flip…

I guess he figured that nobody would really question why a Republican would be in favor of having a U.S. territory without labor laws that holds women in near slavery.  I mean, that’s been pretty much GOP utopia since the 60’s right?  Well, maybe forced abortions won’t play quite so well with his constituency:

The commonwealth is a U.S. territory east of the Philippines whose garment industry has been widely criticized as a collection of sweatshops employing Chinese, Filipino and other immigrant workers at subminimum wages. Clothing from these plants is sold tariff-free in the United States under a “Made in the USA” label.

Workers there have complained of living in prison-like conditions. Women have said they were shunted into the bustling sex industry. Chinese women told U.S. investigators that they were forced to have abortions after becoming pregnant.

I guess all that pro-life thing was about WHITE babies, not some dark babies in Asia.  The article chronicle’s Doolittle’s involvement with Abramoff and all of his dirty causes.  Quite a lengthy story…

Of course, you can help out Charlie Brown, Doolittle’s Dem challenger on our ActBlue page.