Tag Archives: Los Angeles municipal election

1 Day To Go

(From the diaries. Disclaimer: I’m doing blog out reach for Eric’s re-election campaign – Todd)

(cross-posted from my campaign blog)

As many of you know, I’m running for my third term as City Councilman representing the 13th Council District of Los Angeles (which consists of parts of Hollywood, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Echo Park, Elysian Valley and Glassell Park – map here.) Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 3rd, Los Angeles will hold its primary nominating elections. If any candidate receives 50%+1 of the vote on Tuesday, he or she is elected outright; if not, the top 2 candidates will compete in the general municipal election on May 19th.

Several seats are up for election on Tuesday including Mayor, City Attorney, City Controller, odd numbered City Council district seats (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15), even numbered L.A. Unified School District seats (2, 4, 6) and even numbered L.A. Board of Trustee seats (2, 4, 6.) A complete list of candidates competing in each race can be found here.

There are also 5 initiatives on the ballot:

Prop A: Fire Department Independent Assessor

Prop B: Solar Energy and Job Creation Program

Prop C: Disabled Children Survivor Benefit of the Fire and Police Pension Plan

Prop D: Survivor Benefit Purchase Program for Retirees of the Fire and Police Pension Plan

Prop E: Economic Incentives for Business Development

SmartVoter.com has complete summaries of the measures and check out Courage Campaign’s voter guide for a complete rundown of which measures have the support of which progressive orgs.

Eight years ago, I had a crazy idea to run for City Council. I bought a pair of shoes and walked my district every day until I literally wore holes in them introducing myself to voters and rediscovering my city. Now, eight years later, while I’m pleased with the progress we’ve made rebuilding Hollywood into a safer more business friendly city center again, nearly tripling the number of parks in my district and making city hall more relevant and accessible to Angelenos through my Government 101 and Neighborhood Leadership Academy programs, there is still much more to be done to change Los Angeles. So I humbly ask for the support of those of you in the 13th L.A. City Council District.

If you have friends and family in Los Angeles, please remind them to vote tomorrow and if they’re in the 13th district you can direct them to my website to learn more about me, what I’ve done and what I intend to continue to do if I’m fortunate enough to be re-elected to the City Council.

If I do win outright tomorrow, I can assure you, neither my neighborhood walks to engage with the communities in my district nor my posts here at Calitics to engage with the online community will end; in fact I see Tuesday as just the beginning.

[UPDATE]By the way, polls are open from 7am-8pm tomorrow and you can find your polling place HERE. Join us for an election night party at Avalon in Hollywood starting at 8pm (details at the blog) – Todd.