(The GOP is pushing the push-poll line – promoted by SFBrianCL)
I posted this at my DD as well. I was polled by phone about an hour ago and I want to share what was in it with any curious Californian. See “extended text.” I use “cuvdog” as my id at myDD.
CA Democrats: what’s in the R “poll” of Independents.
by cuvdog, Sun Aug 27, 2006 at 09:54:35 PM EST
I was polled by telephone at 6 pm Sunday. I am a “Decline to State” in CA-48. I’m sure I was targetted because I live in a red Congressional district. I’m sorry that I didn’t record the poll better; if you ask questions about particulars I’ll do my best to remember.
You know the drill in telephone polls. My poll centered on Bowen vs. McPherson and Brown vs. -?-. Chung? There were questions on some of the others but not many. I was also asked about voter id, electronic voting, trust of elections in CA, and abortion.
Again, if I’ve missed anything, ask. I’ll do my best to remember.
I was to rate 1 to 5 my likelihood of voting for candidates based on specific statements (5=definitely yes). I was asked negative questions about Bowen, positives about McPherson.
Bowen’s negatives: Enron investment and not returning the money, in favor of the car tax, in favor of giving illegal aliens drivers licenses.
McPherson’s positives: Bipartisanship, unanimous approval of his appointment by the Legislature, elected to office though a Republican in Santa Cruz, opposition to car tax, opposition to illegal aliens’ drivers licenses, his endorsement by the CTA, support for making the office of Secretary of State nonpartisan.
I was asked about Jerry Brown, negatives of course, and nothing about his opponent.
Jerry Brown negatives: two questions on his opposition to capital punishment, his support for a prisoner’s Bill of Rights (mention of pornography), his support for an “incest exception” for fathers with their own daughters, his support for gay marriage, his tenure as mayor of Oakland (a “violent city”).
I was asked if I favored making it such that people have to produce identification to vote.
I was asked if I trusted California elections.
I was asked an up or down question on electronic voting.
I was asked a 5-step nuanced question about abortion. Step three: I’m against partial birth abortion and in favor of parental-informed laws, but basically pro-choice. Step four: I’m against partial birth abortions but am pro-choice. Step five: I am pro-choice. Government should not be involved.