Fiji Water is bad news, but did you know that its owner (Stewart Resnick) is a major campaign donor to CA politicians like Dianne Feinstein? And they don’t just own Fiji – they also have Paramount Farms, which owns 118,000 acres of heavily irrigated California orchards. Here’s how DiFi thanked him for his campaign contributions:
On Sept. 4, Resnick wrote to Feinstein, complaining that the latest federal plan to rescue the delta’s endangered salmon and shad fisheries was “exacerbating the state’s severe drought” because it cut back on water available to irrigate crops. “Sloppy science” by federal wildlife agencies had led to “regulatory-induced water shortages,” he claimed.
“I really appreciate your involvement in this issue,” he wrote to Feinstein.
One week later, Feinstein forwarded Resnick’s letter to two U.S. Cabinet secretaries. In her own letter, she urged the administration to spend $750,000 for a sweeping re-examination of the science behind the entire delta environmental protection plan.
The Obama administration quickly agreed, authorizing another review of whether restrictions on pumping irrigation water were necessary to save the delta’s fish. The results could delay or change the course of the protection effort.
To environmentalists concerned with protecting the delta, it was a dispiriting display of the political clout wielded by Resnick, who is among California’s biggest growers and among its biggest political donors.
Hat tip to blogger Rossi on for this story.