Tag Archives: Senator

Support the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

My family and I have given much to the U.S. military.  I served in the U.S. Army from 1969 to 1975, as a member of the 1st Armory division, 7th Cavalry, and a member of the elite TVY Ski Patrol. My father was a career officer with the USAF and a flight engineer with the Strategic Air Command.

That’s why I have followed with great interest the debate over funding for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter II program and urge you to strongly fight for full funding of this project.

This is a very difficult time for all representatives as they consider budget cuts proposed for a wide variety of federal programs.  A strong national defense is one of the federal government’s prime Constitutional obligations, and I hope our representatives in Congress will keep the support of our military men and women paramount in mind when considering future budget cuts.  

The F-35 will replace a 20 year old fleet of fighter planes with aircraft that possesses the very latest technology – making them more deadly in combat, cheaper to operate over the life of the plane, and safer for our pilots.

The technology embodied in the F-35 will allow the U.S. to maintain its dominance in the area of defense technology, while making our troops – and those of our partners around the world who are participating in this project – safer and more effective in an array of battle conditions that they may encounter around the world.

I urge Senator Feinstein, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and all our representatives in Congress, to support full funding of this program that will be so crucial to the success of our military in the years to come.

-Tim Foley

BETTER LATE THAN NEVER: PG&E “SmartMeters” To Have CPUC Ordered INDEPENDENT “IQ” Test For Accuracy

SACRAMENTO – California State Senator and Majority Leader Dean Florez (D-Shafter) indicates he is pleased with this development but won’t be satisfied without real answers for California consumers.

Florez reacted with a wait-and-see attitude to today’s announcement that the California Public Utilities Commission has at long last selected an independent evaluator – a company called Structure — to investigate the accuracy of PG&E’s so-called Smart Meters.

Florez has held numerous hearings into Valley residents’ concerns about the new digital meters, which many feel are responsible for dramatic spikes in utility bills.  Some of those who testified indicated their bills tripled – or worse – even after installing energy-saving appliances or while their homes were vacant.

In recent weeks, legislators, concerned residents and the media have been sharply critical of delays of testing, even as PG&E attempted to speed up installation of the questionable meters.  Florez is pleased a company has been selected to begin this important work, but will not be satisfied until he sees real results and answers for consumers.

Florez, who was recently named chairman of the newly formed Select Committee on the Smart Grid and announced additional planned hearings, today issued the following statement on the latest development:

“I believe that transparency throughout the entire evaluation process will be one of the key components to consumer confidence in PG&E’s smart meter program, and not to mention the PUC’s commitment to ensuring that the system works.  Any hint that information was concealed, or if customers’ complaints are overlooked during this evaluation, then I would argue that the PUC’s efforts were wasted.


“Structure officials should know that the public will be watching and that a public hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Smart Grid will be forthcoming.  I’ve said it from day one, simply interviewing customers will not be enough.  Structure officials will need to conduct a forensic analysis of individual homes to show what really happened at these locations that resulted in bills doubling and tripling.”

In my opinion one of the primary roles of Government is oversight of public services (including quality and costs). The public hearing to be held by the CA Senate SmartGrid Committee when the selected company (STRUCTURE) reports their findings will be most interesting.