Diane Feinstein has been working hard to get additional funding for the levees. (Incidentally, Arnold has also been working on this too. It has been one area where I actually think his efforts have been somewhat helpful.) She issued a press release today saying that she got some money through the Senate appropriations committee. The text of the press release is on the flip.
I am quite pleased about this. The levees are a disaster waiting to happen. Something has to be done. Now. Not 5 years from now. Now. Good work Senator.
Washington, DC – The Senate Appropriations Committee today approved an amendment sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that would provide $22.305 million to strengthen California levees and flood control.
Last fall, Congress provided $41.005 million for the highest priority levee restoration and flood control projects in fiscal year 2006.
“Breaches today in Central Valley levees illustrates that this funding is urgently needed,” Senator Feinstein said. “This funding would contribute to achieving 100-year flood protection for 95 percent of Sacramento. And it funds long-term planning efforts.”
“This is so important because so much is at stake. Earlier this year, I toured our State’s flood control infrastructure – in Sacramento and throughout the Delta. I saw beautiful communities, subdivisions, farms, and businesses protected by simple earthen levees. A major storm or earthquake could lead to major flooding, loss of property, and loss of life. A major earthquake could bring the State to a halt. No levees equals no water for two-thirds of the State. No water equals no economy. And no economy equals no jobs.”
So it’s absolutely critical that the federal government lives up to its commitment to these communities and the people of California.”
Senator Boxer said, “The San Joaquin Delta levees are extremely vulnerable to collapse, threatening 2/3 of California’s water supply and the safety of our communities. Without this extra funding, the Army Corps’ work to assess and improve our levees in the Delta would have stopped next month. I am pleased the Appropriations Committee included this additional funding, and I thank my colleague Senator Feinstein for her dedicated work on this issue.”
Specifically, Senator Feinstein’s amendment provides $22.305 million for the following projects:
South Sacramento Streams – $6.25 million
The project in southeastern Sacramento County includes building 12 miles of floodwalls and constructing 13 miles of levee improvements. The completed project improvements will provide minimum 100-year protection to over 100,000 residents.
Sacramento River Bank Protection – $11.3 million
The project north of the City of Sacramento provides erosion control bank protection for the Sacramento River Flood Control Project levees. One hundred eighty-three actively eroding sites on levees banks have been identified, 29 of which are considered to have a high potential for failure during the next high water event.
American River Common Features – $3.255 million
This project includes levee improvements along the lower American River and Sacramento River. When complete, these improvements will protect the 50,000 residents of Rancho Cordova in eastern Sacramento County as well as 400,000 City of Sacramento residents downstream.
Delta Islands and Levees Feasibility Study – $1.25 million
This long term feasibility study to conduct the Delta Risk Management Strategy identifies the levees and islands in need of repairs beyond the short term authorized CalFed work.
Short-term Delta levee assessment (CALFED 180-day study) – $250,000
This funding goes to continue coordination and initiate design data collection on projects related to the recommendations found in the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta Report to Congress (180-day report).