Tag Archives: Diebold

Grassroots radio ads for Debra Bowen

Debra Bowen, candidate for California Secretary of State, is in a tight battle for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday.

During her tenure in the State Senate, Debra Bowen has been working tirelessly for reliable voting systems and improving the public’s access to the government.  She was overwhelmingly endorsed by the California Democratic Party and by groups and newspapers up and down the Golden State.

You can help Debra Bowen by donating to a grassroots-sponsored radio campaign!  Latinos for America has produced pro-bono Spanish-language radio ads for the Los Angeles market that will run in Spanish talk and religious radio on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  We need your help to get them on the air.

Valley Grassroots for Democracy has teamed up with Latinos for America to collect contributions for the ads. Please go to https:/secure.actblue.com and make a contribution and end the contribution with $.06 so we know that the contribution is for the radio ads.  For example, give $25.06 or $50.06 or however much you can give.

Please pass this along!  The election is neck and neck and your contributions will make this happen!

Remember to add $.06 for victory in ’06!

Learn more at:

Me & Diebold

One of the banks near my house has been under renovation for a few months, so I haven’t been there for a while.  I stopped by on my way home from an errand to get some walking-around money, and when my turn at the ATM came, I found myself facing a friendly touch-screen machine with the name “DIEBOLD” clearly marked across the top.

The friendly Diebold ATM took my card.

The friendly DIEBOLD ATM asked me what language I wanted to use (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Russian, Martian, Klingon).

English, please.

The friendly Diebold ATM asked me what I wanted to do

Fast Cash, please.

And the friendly Diebold ATM gave me my cash and a paper receipt showing the amount withdrawn and a current account balance.

A user verifiable paper trail.  From Diebold. 

Apparently, it can be done, if the customer demands it.

Blog Roundup: March 22, 2006

Today’s CaliBlogger roundup below the fold:

  • Daddy, Papa & Me notes that the San Francisco Archdiocese is looking at preventing SF Catholic Charities from placing children for adoption with GLBT couples. In related news, the SF Chronicle tells us that a new Field Poll finds a significant positive shift in Californian’s views of same-sex marriage, relationships, military service, and adoption. Can’t happen fast enough.
  • Left I on The News draws a contrast between the amount that the proposed Santa Clara County sales tax bump would raise, and the amount of money already spent in Iraq. Bottom Line: Santa Clara County residents have spent way more on Iraq.
  • Santa Cruz for Change notes that Christine Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi’s daughter) will be offering her perspective tomorrow night on the Reid / Pelosi plan for the 2006 mid-terms. I look forward to hearing that. Perhaps Ms. Pelosi can explain where regulating bloggers, coming out against Feingold’s censure resolution, and enforcing an ethics truce in the House play into that plan.
  • On that note, one should read Robert Shaw’s piece in BeyondChron, and the resulting letters.
  • Say No To Pombo has two good posts. First, Richard Pombo gets new House Ag Committee leadership role, no doubt to show that some good Pombo pork will come to the Central Valley should he be relected. Second, VPO suggests that some Dems switch their registration to Decline to State for the primary in order to vote for McCloskey in the Republican primary.
  • The BradBlog (the place to go for all your voting machine news) points us to a great summary of the suit against Secretary of State Bruce McPherson to prevent him from certifying the Diebold voting machines for the upcoming elections. The summary, unsurprisingly, comes from State Sen. Debra Bowen, herself a candidate for Secretary of State.
  • The California Observer points us to this handy list of the contributors who ponied up at the Schwarzenegger / McCain Corporate Interest Festival earlier this week.
  • The Left Coaster’s paradox rips into Carolyn Lochhead of the Chron for failing to call Bush out on a flat-out lie. Note as well, toward the end of the article, the verbatim reprint of Bush’s Luntz-approved “Democrat Party” sneer, without even a [sic]. Maybe Lochhead and the Chron don’t know that the name of the party is the Democratic Party, now matter how many times the Republicans call it something else.

March 15, 2006 CA Blog Roundup

I’m going to be trying to do California blog roundups every couple of days, probably more often as the elections near. Here’s today’s:

That’s it for today. Use the comments to let us know of other bloggy California goodness.