Fingerprinting A Requirement To Host Exchange Students?

Today I read a letter by Corey Lucero-Perkins of Elk Grove, California in the Sacramento Bee. She writes about the joys of hosting exchange students and urges others to do the same. Good on her!

Now, those of you who have read posts by me before are probably aware that I was an exchange student at Lake Tahoe ten years ago. Were it not for that fact I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I probably wouldn’t have grown from a very shy and stubborn teenager into a relatively self-confident and still a little stubborn adult. I wouldn’t have experienced another country, another culture, another school system, another family, who, by the way, was very loving and caring and who have accepted me as their fifth son.

After I read Ms. Lucero-Perkins’ letter in the Sacramento Bee I went to the homepage of CIEE, the exchange organization she was working with. They had a little action alert on their homepage. I clicked on it and could not, for the life of me, believe what I read.

From CIEE:

Please contact your state senator to Vote NO on legislation that would require finger printing in order to host an exchange student

Legislation was recently introduced in the State of California that would require all student exchange organizations to submit to the Department of Justice host family applicants finger print images and other information necessary to obtain a criminal background check on each person 18 years of age or older who resides with the family where the exchange student would reside.

The exchange student industry currently supports federal regulations established in May 2006 that requires a criminal background check on each host family and its members over the age of 18 yrs old.  The Federal Regulation adopts the standards of leading organizations in youth-work field including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and YMCA to name a few, that uses national criminal background check services to review the records of all jurisdictions – federal, state and local.  This system reports not only arrests but more detailed information on convictions and dispositions.  It also includes offenses for which fingerprints are not taken.

In a time where bridging cultural misconceptions is of major importance, this legislation will only create an inconvenience for potential host families and discourage them from participating.  Host families provide exchange students and their families the opportunity to look beyond the stereotypes.  They provide access to our country, to our culture at the very level where it matters, at the heart of the American Family.  There is no better way to get to know us as a culture than to live in our homes and our communities.  Please let’s not discourage those families that want to open their homes and their hearts to exchange students.  Please contact your senator today by sending the message below.

WTF? I was stunned, simply stunned. In these times of turmoil in the world when hatred is preached in many countries, in these times of war nothing more is important than talking to each other, than getting to know another country, another culture. There is a reason the exchange organization with which I came to America is called Youth for Understanding.

If you’re from California, please write your State Senator and tell them to vote no on this bill.

And, please think about whether you are able to take in an exchange student. If it weren’t for my host family you wouldn’t be reading this.

Cross-posted from Turn Tahoe Blue

KGO’s Bernie Ward Shows Us How It’s Done

[Welcome, visitors from Crooks & Liars.  If you’re interested in California politics, please have a look around Calitics.  You might even want to register and join Calitics, a Scoop-based community.]

This isn’t exactly California politics, but there is a California hook, and it’s too good to pass up.

Crooks & Liars has video of KGO’s late-night talk show host Bernie Ward destroying Texas Republican radio host Chris Baker on MSNBC.  The two were there to discuss the New York Times’ reporting of the Bush Administrations’ recent financial dragnetting.

Ward gets Baker to completely lose his cool and storm off the set.  This is instructive not because Baker lost his cool, but because of the way that Bernie Ward refused to play his game:

Baker:  Time of War!  New York Times Treasonous! Bush Haters!
Ward:  Should the government control what a newspaper prints?
Baker:  Time of War!  New York Times Treasonous! Bush Haters!
Ward:  Answer the question.  Should the government control what a newspaper prints?

[Repeat until Baker loses his mind, calls Ward names, and storms off because his Rove-approved talking points aren’t working.]

Ward changed the basic assumptions of the conversation, and then refused to be baited by Baker’s Republican-party talking points or the host’s attempts to drag him into a diversion about “the courts” (where you’ve already conceded that government censorship of the press is a legitimate question).  See how effective that was?

If only our politicians could be that relentless.

Budget Deal Reached

A budget deal has been reached amongst the four legislative leaders, Nunez, Plescia, Perata, Ackerman.

The “Fab Four” … released a statement saying they have a budget deal:
“We have reached a tentative agreement on a balanced, responsible budget today after several months of productive discussion. It reflects the values of both parties and moves our state forward. We hope to have a vote prior to July 1st.” (SF Chronicle Politics Blog 6/26/06)

This is just coming in.  When I hear more details, I’ll try to prepare a bit of an analysis.  The big stumbling block is regarding the child health insurance county-level programs, some of which cover undocumented immigrants. No word as to what happened with the Governor’s $23 million covering those programs in his June rewrite of his budget proposal.

So, here’s more info on the deal.  No word about the health care dollars yet.

The four offered no details about the record spending plan, but it is widely expected to mirror the draft budget Schwarzenegger proposed in May.
The overall spending plan is expected to be about 12 percent higher than in the current fiscal year, reflecting the state’s rebounding economy.

The billions in unanticipated tax revenue enabled lawmakers to follow Schwarzenegger’s lead, funding popular programs while building reserves to appease conservatives who have been critical of the state’s deficit spending. The budget is not expected to raise taxes.

Spending on education, the largest slice of the budget, will increase from $50 billion this year to more than $55 billion next year, under a deal Schwarzenegger struck last month that also ended a two-year feud with the state’s largest teachers union. (Press Enterprise(AP) 6/26/06)