It’s quite clear by now that Pombo has no problems with taking thinly disguised bribes from Indian tribes, anti-environmentalists, anybody with a few bucks, etc. Say No to Pombo points out another questionable case from the Tracy Congressman:
That would mean the $5,000 buffalo was, indeed, a gift (albeit an unreported and untaxed one) from the Rosebud Sioux Tribe to Congressman Richard Pombo, serving in his role as Chairman of the House Resources Committee and head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
So I’ll repeat my question from Saturday, phrasing it a little bit differently: If there are “rules banning federal officials from accepting gifts from people who are regulated by, or might do business with, their agency,” why has there been no federal investigation of this apparently unreported gift to Richard Pombo from the Rosebud Sioux? (Say No to Pombo 7/26/06)
The entire post is a compelling read and features some excellent analysis of this buffalo hunt. As that dirty Ricky story is coming out, Jerry McNerney picked up a big endorsement, that of Pombo primary challenger, former Congressman Pete McCloskey. While not a surprise, McCloskey’s endorsement signals an opportunity for McNerney to pick up the votes of a big portion of the approximately 1/3 of Republicans who voted for McCloskey. And Pombo’s big stash of money shows that he expects no cakewalk this election. His days are numbered; it’d sure be great to get rid of him before he does any more damage than he’s done already.