Hey California, Get Ready For Sex Offenders Sleeping Under Bridges

California should get ready for scenes like this:

Five convicted sex offenders are living under a noisy highway bridge with the state’s grudging approval because an ordinance intended to keep predators away from children made it nearly impossible for them to find housing.

Some of them sleep on cardboard raised slightly off the ground to avoid the rats. One of the men beds down on a pallet with a blanket and pillow. Some have been there for several weeks […]

The conditions are a consequence of laws passed here and elsewhere around the country to bar sex offenders from living near schools, parks and other places children gather. Miami-Dade County’s 2005 ordinance – adopted partly in reaction to the case of a convicted sex offender who raped a 9-year-old Florida girl and buried her alive – says sex offenders must live at least 2,500 feet from schools.

“They’ve often said that some of the laws will force people to live under a bridge,” said Charles Onley, a research associate at the federally funded Center for Sex Offender Management. “This is probably the first story that I’ve seen that confirms that.”

Am I asking for sympathy for sex offenders?  Absolutely not.  But putting people into desperate situations like this only exacerbates their despair and will do nothing but lead to more crimes.


Statistics show that it doesn’t matter where sex offenders live relative to where their sex crimes are committed.  Laws like Prop. 83 are pieces of feel-good legislation that does nothing to actually protect minors and does violate the civil rights of the perpetrators, if we care about that anymore.  And last year’s sex offender initiative, passed by the voters last year and subsequently ruled partially unconstitutional, will lead to this kind of scene in urban areas.

Everyone feel safer now?

CA-42: The Story So Far

I’m involved with Trash Dirty Gary, a netroots attempt to shine a light on the corrupt dealings of Inland Empire/Orange County Congressman Gary Miller, one of the biggest sleazebags on Capitol Hill.  I just distilled all my previous posts on Miller into one monster to get everyone up to date on what this guy’s been doing with his office.

This effort is along the lines of Say No To Pombo and Dump Doolittle, and hopefully by continuing an insistent focus on Miller and his actions we can energize support throughout the local community and spur a challenge.  Go check it out.

Science Cafe Energy Policy Forum TODAY!

Got questions about climate change, energy policy, peak oil, and the science of fueling our lives? Well, then you should really come on over to the cafe and get yourself some answers!

Join us and our panel as we look at the status of energy today and the policy and scientific solutions. Are you worried about peak oil? Feel a squeeze from high gas prices? Come to the Science Cafe Energy Forum and participate in a panel discussion on energy and the issues we face today.

– U.S. Rep. John Campbell (R-Newport Beach)
– Dr. Mark Musculus, Sandia National Laboratories California
– Mr. Jim Maclay, Doctoral Candidate (LEED Certified), UC Irvine National Fuel Cell Research Center

Mr. Pat Brennan, Environment Editor, The Orange County Register

Follow me after the flip for all the details about today’s event…

OK, the details as promised:

Program (Begins at 3:00 PM):
1) 5 minutes: intro by Brian Hart, Astrophysicist, who is director
and host
2) 10 minutes: Video clip from
NOVA scienceNOW.

3) 20 minutes: Presentation by U.S. Representative, John Campbell
(R-Newport Beach) on Energy Policy

4) 20 minutes: Presentation by Dr.
Mark Musculus, Combustion Research
Facility, Sandia National
Laboratories California

5) 20 minutes: Presentation by
Mr. Jim Maclay, Doctoral Candidate
(LEED Certified), from UC Irvine
National Fuel Cell Research Center
on Fuel Cells and UC Irvine research
into this promising new technology

6) 30 minutes: Question and Answer
session and discussion with

7) 10 minutes: Each panelist will
have an opportunity to close by
inviting the audience to learn
more about their affiliated

8) 2 minutes: Closing by Drew
Adams, Barnes & Noble Community
Relations Manager

The program is FREE and open to
the public. You’re invited to just
show up. Parents, bring college
kids you know who may want an
internship! College students, come
for the same purpose! High school
kids are also welcome. SIGN UP
requested, so we can best plan space.

RSVP limit:
Only 150 members (including guests) can RSVP ‘Yes’ or ‘Maybe’ for this event.
Please go to the Meetup page to sign up.

Barnes & Noble – Fashion Island
401 Newport Center Drive Suite A215
Newport Beach , CA 92660
(949) 718-0109

Hope to see you there! : )

CA-42: A Blog is Born in Southern California

So what do you know about Gary Miller? What have you heard about his “ethically questionable land deals“? What have you seen about his shady tax breaks? What have you noticed about his earmarks? What do you think about his ethics? What do we really know about Rep. Gary Miller?

Well, there is a place where we can now find answers
And I’d like to tell you all about it after the flip…

I’d like to introduce you to the new blog on the block, Trash Dirty Gary. This blog is here to raise questions about Gary Miller, his land deals, his voting record, and just how well (or poorly) he’s serving the people of the 42nd District. And of course, this blog is also here to answer any and all of YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS. What exactly is Gary Miller doing (or NOT DOING) for you and for your neighborhood? Go ahead and feel free to tell us about it.

Basically, this blog is for the voters of the 42nd District. This is our chance to examine Gary Miller’s real record. This is our chance to hold Gary Miller responsible for his actions. This is our chance to make some change. So where do you want to start?

Please head on over this weekend to check out Trash Dirty Gary. I promise that there will be plenty of good stuff for us to share with you. And PLEASE feel free to head on over ANY TIME to tell us what you think about Gary Miller and what’s he’s doing (or NOT DOING) for Orange County, the Inland Empire, and East LA County. We’re all looking forward to getting to know you. : )

{And thanks to Mike’s Daily Lockup for the great photo on top! : ) }