Finally, An All District Strategy for California Democrats

Let’s face it. California is not as strongly Democratic as we think it is, or as we’d like it to be. Right now our state is a “blue state”, but it is fast turning RED. In 1992, Bill Clinton won 36 California counties when he first ran for President. In 2004, John Kerry only won 22 California counties. In the past six years, Democrats have only picked up ONE CONGRESSIONAL SEAT from the Republicans… And Democrats have actually LOST SEATS IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE during that same period!

So what can we do about it? Well, if you’re a delegate to the State Democratic Convention in San Diego this weekend, then you can find out what to do after the flip…

Leon Thompson, the Executive Board representative from the 77th Assembly District, has written a resolution to be voted on at the convention. Now we’ve heard all this talk about a “58 county strategy” to make Democrats more competitive throughout the state, but what will it actually do? Leon’s resolution actually has some teeth in it, as it requires the state party to give some seed money to EVERY PARTY-ENDORSED LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATE in the general election. This resolution will actually direct the party to refocus resources to grassroots campaigns in “red districts”. This resolution actually gives a boost to those Democratic candidates in “red districts” who fight hard for our Democratic values, but who may not have enough funds to really get the message out throughout the district. This resolution actually does something to make our party more competitive statewide, and more importantly it offers more than just pretty language and empty rhetoric…
It offers real action.

This may not be the ultimate solution, but it is a good start. And it’s something we really need to start doing a better job at. After all, if the Democratic candidates can’t depend on their own party for at least some support, then what’s the point of having a Democratic Party?

The full text of the resolution is directly below, and can be found here.

All District Strategy for Funding California Legislative Races

Whereas the recent Democratic takeover of Congress has proven the effectiveness of Howard Dean’s 50 state strategy for funding the Democratic Party in every state regardless of the voter registration advantage to the other side or the history of Republican voting patterns and resulted in election victories and Democratic Party advances and

Whereas the California Democratic Party’s recent election funding decisions resulted in only modest advances and victories not on the scale of results nationally, and

Whereas providing resources for candidates in each legislative district will build the Party’s identity in every geographical area, develop a deep reserve of competitive Democratic candidates and encourage volunteer loyalty,

Be it resolved that the California Democratic Party shall adopt at its 2007 Convention to allocate at least $4 million to be spent in all Assembly and State Senate districts that are open seats or in which there is a Democratic challenger to a Republican incumbent, to assure that every endorsed Democratic candidate for the state legislature gets at least some funding for the general election, enabling candidates to mount a viable campaign, then

Be it resolved that for the general election, each party-endorsed Democratic challenger or party-endorsed Democratic candidate for an open legislative seat shall receive at least $50,000 in seed money, and that candidates who raise $50,000, produce a field plan, and sign up 50 volunteers or more shall received at least $50,000 in additional matching funds. The money shall be spent to implement a grassroots organizing and GOTV effort by the candidate. Evidence of volunteer sincerity will be a five dollar check to the candidate.

This policy will spread the Democratic message to voters in every part of California, thus helping to grow the Party and get out the vote even in conservative regions. This strategy will improve the chances of victory not only for those legislative seats funded, but for all Democratic candidates in California – including “down-ticket” candidates for local offices as well as candidates running for statewide and national offices.

Submitted by Leon Thompson

77th Assembly District E-board Representative

What, Fee Increases Aren’t Enough? – UC Tries To Stiff Graduate Students In Upcoming Contract

(Crap… What’s going on in our institutions of higher learning? – promoted by atdleft)

In their ever-continuing quest to turn California’s public higher education into a de facto private institution, the University of California, not content with jacking up graduate student tuition yet another 10% (and nearly doubling fees since 2002), is now trying to stiff TAs, readers, and research assistants in the latest series of contract negotiations by freezing fee remissions and health insurance premiums:

The UAW Local 2865 bargaining team met Monday, April 16 with university representatives to discuss changes the university would like to make to our contract.

Unfortunately, the bargaining team was alarmed by the uncooperative, antiunion tactics of the university. The university is proposing to cut a number of critical benefits and roll back several groundbreaking union victories. Not only would these cuts and rollbacks have a negative financial impact on all our members, they would also undermine the ability of UC to continue to be competitive, encourage diversity, and attract the best and brightest.

At the same time that we are proposing to expand the types of fees covered and who is eligible to receive remissions, the university is proposing to end full fee remissions for graduate-student employees, proposing instead to cap remissions. What this would mean is that whenever fees increase-which is the unfortunate trend-we would end up paying that increase out-of-pocket.

Additionally, under the current contract, many of us have our health insurance premium fully covered. Again, while we are proposing to expand the types of fees covered and who is eligible to receive remissions, the university is proposing to cap our health insurance premium remissions at a fixed dollar amount, thus transferring the rising cost of health care onto us. Given that the health plans at many campuses are already inadequate and steadily deteriorating, this proposal is unacceptable.

The university also made several proposals which would prevent teaching assistants, readers, and tutors from being informed of their rights, and which would limit our rights to express solidarity with workers in other campus unions.

The university is proposing to take us in the wrong direction. This is unacceptable. As bargaining continues, we will keep you informed of developments at the bargaining table and opportunities to participate in winning a great fourth contract.  If you have questions or would like to get more involved, please reply to this message or contact your campus office.

In solidarity,

UAW Local 2865 Bargaining Committee

This is not the first time that the university has tried this, but it is pretty bad news that they’re looking to freeze remissions while the fees continue skyrocketing this way. For most UC graduate students, fee remission and health care coverage when working for the university are the only way to make ends meet, and often their value is far greater than the actual pay that the work provides.

I have heard many fellow grad students wonder  aloud what the point of paying those union fees is. Here is my answer: the only reason why we even have health insurance and fee remissions when we work is that grad students organized and were willing to strike to make the point that the University of California does not run without our labor. The Regents do not just pay us out of the goodness of their hearts, and they will not continue to respect what gains we have negotiated in perpetuity, out of the goodness of their hearts. Only by organizing and demonstrating the value of the work that we do by being willing to deny it if need be, will we get the kind of pay and benefits that allow us to scratch out a public graduate school education.

Academic student employees are not asking for an unreasonable amount of pay or benefits here. The University of California has been utterly unreasonable in raising fees over the past several years, far beyond the rate of inflation and at the same time that executive and administration salaries and compensation have skyrocketed. This latest attempt to further wring more money out of already-indebted graduate students is unconscionable. I would hope that our elected representatives would take notice, in particular Davis’ own Assemblywoman Lois Wolk, and Lt. Governor John Garamendi, who is a Regent for the UC system (and whose son, John Garamendi, Jr., is an administrator at UC Merced, and reportedly considering challenging Lois Wolk for the 5th State Senate Seat). There are a lot of academic employees here in Yolo County, and we do vote.

If you are a grad student and interested in getting involved on any of the UC campuses, bookmark the Academic Student Employee union page. If this negotiation continues in this direction, we’re going to need as many students working together as we can to turn things around.

originally at surf putah

New BlogFeed

UPDATE:Ok, so, as I get new entries to the BlastFeed, it kinda messes up the order. See, when I put a new feed in, it takes those to be the last posts up so you get posts from one blog only.  So,  I will leave lefty blogs up until Wednesday. Then I will put the blastfeed up. So, please, get those in to me soon. Thanks!

I’ve gotten quite frustrated with LeftyBlogs, so I’ve started my own setup now. I used BlastFeed to create this feed. It has old items now, but that should clear up as new items are posted today. If you are interested in getting on this feed, shoot me an email.

Inflated Clinton Poll Theory in California

Why is there a big gap in 2008 California Presidential Democratic Primary in the two most recent poll results?

Hillary Rodham Clinton leads the Democratic presidential candidates in California, with four in 10 likely primary voters saying they will support her, according to a Field Poll released Tuesday.

That is a higher level of support than she has registered in national polling or in a recent statewide poll by the Public Policy Institute of California, which found her leading with 35 percent.

Chris Bowers has started a new page on MyDD dedicated to the Inflated Clinton Poll Theory and his recent calculations of national polls are in line with what we are seeing in California.

Bowers examines whether Clinton performs worse as poll samples are tightened. Since Field Poll only interviewed Registered Voters, here is the situation at that level.

POLL (PDF) Likely Dems Reg Voters Perc. Clinton
PPIC 498 1,542 32.3% 35%
Field 417 1,093 38.2% 41%

Bowers summarizes why this debate is important:

Right now, this is still just a theory. However, it is an important theory to test, because accurate reports on who is currently ahead in the race for the Democratic nomination, and how much that person is ahead by, are crucial to developing an informed Democratic primary and caucus electorate. Whether or not we like it, and whether or not we think it should, information of this sort has an impact on the nomination campaign. As such, it would be a disservice to the Democratic primary and caucus electorate if we did not work to make certain they had accurate information on who is winning, and by how much that person is winning. I imagine there are quite a few Republicans out there who feel the same way about their party.

One professional pollster (read through to his comment) suggests that California may be particularity prone to this which could mean Hillary may not even have a lead:

Among the general election voters who claimed they would vote in the Dem primary, Clinton scored eight points higher than among the past primary voters.

UPDATE: Could there be a reason for this?

The Bullet Train: Where the hell is it?

For years we have been promised a bullet train that would make us the envy of the country.  We would be able to hop a spur somewhere up in NorCal and be in LA in a few quick hours.  While the wrangling might get a little dirty between SF and Oakland, with a possible additional spur going to Sacto, we could handle it up here…right Bay Area folks? Worst comes to worst, somebody has to connect to the bullet on BART.  No biggie.

And even better, projections indicate that the train would ultimately make a profit. Now, maybe Southwest Airlines might not dig on it, but our environment would sure love it. It would be a boon to the goals of AB 32 to reduce our carbon footprints.  And, most importantly, wouldn’t it be sweet to hop on a train and get between our major cities in a few hours? Seriously, that would be freaking sweet.

But it is now 2007, and we have no train. No construction for a train. No bond measure has even appeared on the ballot, let alone passed.  WTF, mate? Well, follow me over the flip for more from the SFBG’s Steven T. Jones

How cool would it be to get the bullet train?  Pretty darn cool:

All the project studies indicate this should be a no-brainer. San Franciscans could travel to Los Angeles in just a couple hours, the same time it takes to fly, at a fraction of the cost. And the system – eventually stretching from Sacramento to San Diego – would generate twice as much money by 2030 as it costs to build. The trains use far less power than planes or cars and can be powered by renewable resources with no emissions. The system would get more than two million cars off the road and single-handedly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 12 million metric tons per year. (SFBG 4-17-07)

The bond is still scheduled to appear on the ballot in 2008. Of course that doesn’t mean much, does it? It was also scheduled to be on the 2004 ballot, only to be pulled off the ballot.  Same thing in 2006.  So, why do you think this happened. I’ll give you one hint…umm…he’s a former professional steroid shooter bodybuilder:

Growing awareness of climate change has increased support for high-speed rail among legislators and in public opinion polls (among Democrats and Republicans), leaving only one major impediment to getting energy-efficient trains traveling the state at 220 mph: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

While posing for the April 16 cover of Newsweek with the headline “Save the Planet – or Else” and touting himself around the world as an environmental leader, Schwarzenegger has quietly sought to kill – or at least delay beyond his term – high-speed rail. (SFBG 4-17-07)

Now is not the time to choose cars over rail. Sure, we need improvements for our aging highway infrastructure, but we cannot choose it over roads.  It betrays the Governator’s true level of “Green-ness”.  The fact is that he still plays to his Hummer-driving base.

So, what are we to do about this? Well, time for us to start pushing for rail where we can.  Have you told your legislators that you want rail? Just give them a call, it’s a good start. But don’t give up there, raise the issue in Democratic clubs, with prospective candidates, et cetera. You know the drill…

CA-46: Who Needs Any More of Crazy Dana’s Insanity?

(Proudly cross-posted at Ditch Crazy Dana, Southern California’s resource for fighting back against the sheer insanity of Dana Rohrabacher. : ) – promoted by atdleft)

I’ve had it. I’m sick of it. And I won’t take it anymore. Dana Rohrabacher simply has to go. NOW!

Crazy Dana loved the Taliban. Crazy Dana still loves disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Crazy Dana dismisses the seriously distubing reality of global climate change as just “dinosaur flatulence”. Crazy Dana is vehemently anti-choice, even though he represents a pro-choice district. And now, Crazy Dana wishes death by terrorist attack upon the family members of ANYONE who has the nerve to call him out on his sheer insanity.

Simply put, Crazy Dana is batshit insane. In fact, TOO BATSHIT INSANE to even be allowed inside our nation’s Capitol, let alone serving another term in Congress. He doesn’t represent our values, and he can’t get our logic. This is the final straw, and now it’s time for us to plan how to restore sanity to our Congressional office.

(Follow me after the flip for more on how we can really DITCH CRAZY DANA…)

So what can we do to restore insanity to our Congressional office? Well, we need to let our neighbors know just how insane our member of Congress truly is. We are a coastal community that cares about our natural resources. We are a socially tolerant community that values women’s reproductive rights. We are a reasonable community that values pragmatic, common-sense solutions. And simply put, Crazy Dana doesn’t represent us on any of these issues.

Crazy Dana refuses to acknowledge the serious threat of global climate change. Crazy Dana wants to completely take away a woman’s right to choose. Crazy Dana wants natural gas drilling off our precious coast. And now, Crazy Dana wishes acts of terror upon family members of anyone who disagrees with his insane point of view. This is NOT someone who should represent us in Congress.

We need to let our neighbors know of Dana’s insanity. We need to let them know that Dana does not represent our values in Washington. We need to let them know that Dana is no “cool maverick”, but rather a far right extremist. We need to let them know that there are leaders in our community who are better fit to serve us in Congress. Basically, it’s time for us to begin organizing in the 46th. We cannot afford any more of Crazy Dana. We need to return to reason in this district. NOW!

CA-46: Dana Rohrabacher: Ugly American

So in a strange twist of fate, when I got home last night, there on CSPAN was our friend Crazy Dana Rohrabacher presiding over (to the extent that the ranking member can) the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Human Rights from last Tuesday, defending tooth and nail the right of the United States to engage in the abhorrent practice of extraordinary rendition. It was the very hearing, of course, that was written up by dday here on Friday and I must say that seeing his statements in full, context and all, really was sickening.

Seeing Rohrabacher on one hand say that the ends justify the means with respect to extraordinary rendition because of the many lives he claims the practice saves yet to then turn around and wish harm on loved ones of those in the audience, was one of the more pathetic displays by a congressman who is no stranger to compassionless conservatism. I was embarrassed as a Californian and as an American, that Dana Rohrabacher represented us in front of these members of the EU parliament. And so, of course I had to share it with you. I was going to try to upload my DVR’d video to YouTube but luckily did a search and found that mardish had beaten me to it. Let’s go to the video tape (offending remarks begin at about the 8 minute mark.)

More thoughts over the flip. Also read k/o’s thoughtful (what else?) dailykos diary on the subject.

Rohrabacher’s combativeness in this hearing is clearly rooted in his, and the entire conservative movement’s, utter contempt for Europe. But it is the Europeans here that come off as intelligent and thoughtful and it is Rohrabacher who appears curt, rude and vulgar. So it is especially satisfying to see our European friends make points that shut down Rohrabacher’s f’ed up logic that the relatively small number of people who are mistakenly abducted and tortured is the price we pay for greater security.

Take Sarah Ludford, Vice Chair of the EU Parliament Extraordinary Rendition Committee, who shoots him down at 2:35:

Are we safer as a result of what the European Parliament believes has been illegal practices the last 5 years? I believe that most intelligence services would say no. The number of recruits to terrorism, the threat is greater than it has ever been both to Europe and the United States and the potential pool of terrorists is growing.

Then there’s Jonathan Evans, EU Parliament member from Wales, who outclasses Rohrabacher from moment one and echoes a lot of what many on the left have felt about post-9/11 conservatives, that in their efforts to protect America, they’ve made it something unrecognizable.

Our case is that we must act under a due process of law. Listening to the litany of points that you have raised. I think it might be churlish to do so but I think that one could raise the argument that in a sense the end always justifies the means and having any sort of judicial process is just a further impediment. Judicial processes have developed in our countries as proper safeguards. We Europeans hold your country in high respect because you have developed those processes. And we have also for our part endeavored to develop them as well.

Evans eloquently puts into words the real loss in moral standing we’ve suffered in the world, a loss we’ve suffered because of conservatives like Rohrabacher who say things like this:

We are at war and we’ve got to make sure that we do not let go 50 terrorists who will go out and plant a bomb in London and kill 20,000 people in order to protect that one person who we arrested accidentally because his name is the same. That’s that type of unfortunate consequence…[faint boos can be heard] well I hope it’s your families, I hope it’s your families that suffer the consequences.

In his appearance at this hearing, Dana Rohrabacher personified the very image of the ugly American…and he did it in the halls of Congress. At what point are his extremist rantings going to finally cross the line for those in his district? Let’s make sure that 2008 is the year that we finally boot the ugly American.

Howie Klein is coming to my Dem club

(Howie rocks, he has a heart almost as big as his mind. Please spread the word on this. – promoted by blogswarm)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHowie Klein, of Down With Tyranny and Blue America,  will speak to Democrats of the Desert about the netroots here in Palm Springs on May 16th.  This is such a gift to us, the latest of many.  Thank you, Howie!

Like most Dem clubs, our membership is largely senior, and many of our members don’t drive at night.  Imagine the manpower they’d represent if they spent those evenings in the blogosphere.  I’m also hoping to appeal to the younger set, who already spend excessive time online, but don’t yet get involved in politics.  They really need to see what Howie’s doing. 

So much more after the jump:

I first discovered DownWithTyranny while googling for mentions of Mary Bono, and soon found this: Nobody Knows the Trouble I’m In, complete with excellent photoshopping of Bono as a rubberstamp.  David Roth found a trusted and valued ally in Howie Klein.  Here’s the Blue America profile of David Roth.  Here’s the Team Roth staff profile on TRex’s Virtual USO Tour which got picked up by Hotline, btw.

Blue America gave David Roth the Have You Had Enough? video, a fundraising link on the BlueAmerica page, a slot in the BlueAmericaVirtual Tour, and raised over 6 grand for Roth online.  Even so, many active Democrats here still don’t realize the scope of the netroots role.  I know you’re wondering- Is Roth running again?  Well, we don’t yet know if Roth is running again, but Democrats here in red, red Riverside County need this information for 2008 no matter what.

Event details are posted at the Calitics events calendar.  If you’re in California, you’ll find it extremely helpful.  Naturally, the local media got a presser as well:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDemocrats of the Desert will welcome Howie Klein of Blue America on Wednesday, May 16th from 5:30pm to 8pm.  Howie will address the current state of national politics and the 2008 races from his perspective as a netroots activist.

Who  After completing university Howie Klein spent 7 years wandering around the world and living in places like Afghanistan, Nepal, Holland and Morocco.  He moved back to America when Richard Nixon resigned and promptly helped start the first punk rock radio show in the country and then a DIY punk rock record label.  His adventures in the music business ended a couple of years ago when he retired as president of Reprise Records.  He began blogging almost immediately, starting Down With Tyranny.

What  Blue America works actively in congressional districts and states (in Senate races), collecting money and placing radio and TV spots, like the “Have You Had Enough?” video.  Blue America is an online collaboration of Firedoglake, Down With Tyranny, and Crooks and Liars. In the last 4 months of 2006 they raised $545,000 online for progressive Democrats and helped elect Jerry McNerney (CA), Jon Tester (MT), Joe Sestak (PA), Ben Cardin (MD), John Hall (NY), Mike Arcuri (NY), Chris Carney (PA), Bruce Braley (IA), Amy Klobuchar (MN), Patrick Murphy (PA), Paul Hodes (NH), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), and Jim Webb (VA).

When Wednesday, May 16th from 5:30pm to 8:00pm

Where The Cathedral City Senior Center
  68-727 East Palm Canyon Dr., Cathedral City (across from Starbucks)
  $10 suggested donation, easy parking, refreshments

Contact: Beth Caskie, VP Programs for Democrats of the Desert
  at [email protected] for more information.

Democrats of the Desert is the largest and oldest Democratic Club in the Coachella Valley, chartered by the State Democratic Party of California.  Its mission is to advance Democratic values and to elect Democratic candidates at all levels of government. Democrats of the Desert has active programs of speakers, publications, political action, fundraising, and outreach.  Membership is open to all registered Democrats.

Here’s a photo of the Roth team from last year:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I know I’m not the only one grateful for the chance to thank Howie in person.  If you live in driving range of Palm Springs, you should come.  There’s an outside chance we’ll experiment with some video live-blogging.