No on Prop 8: Exposing the Bullshit of

It’s early Sunday morning, and I am looking around the web on what is going on on what I consider a more important issue than this year’s presidential election: protecting the right to marry the person they love for every Californian. On May 15, the California Supreme Court ruled that the right to marry was a fundamental right under the equal protection clause of the California State Constitution. Now, conservative reactionary right wing fundamentlists hate groups have put on the ballot something called “Proposition 8”, a ballot initiative that would write in the Constitution of our state discrimination against same sex couples and remove this fundamental right.

What’s more hideous is that these right wing fundamentalist groups see clearly that the future is free from their form of hatred and prejudice. Polls have found that two-thirds of young people in California oppose Prop 8 and support the right of all loving (adult) couples to enter into marriage, and so, they are putting on an effort to spread their hatred among people my age. They are funding this website,, where they have picked and recruited some young folk who either have sold their soul for money, or are too happy to have an avenue to spread hatred. I for one would like to know if these people are actually Californians and where in California they are registered to vote.

But here, I will take on their arguments one by one.

One, the most insidious of their lies: that homosexuality is a choice, that people can change it and as such the prohibition against same sex marriage should not be seen as akin to the prohibition against interracial marriage. The first counter on this is that this is a flat out lie. I am gay, and I can tell you emphatically that it is as engrained in me as my race (Asian Indian), my gender (male) and my number of toes (10).

Secondly, the real argument is not whether sexual orientation can be changed but whether it should, even if that were possible. I would like to ask the people of color that take great umbrage on the website at the suggestion of comparing the prohibition against gay marriage with that against interracial marriage, if you could change your race, would you? Some might say you can change your outward racial appearance … ask Michael Jackson. Would it be ok for other people to suggest that you do so? Would it be OK for the state to deny you rights because you refused to change your race, in the imaginary event that it were possible? If you cannot answer ‘yes’ to all three, you are all hypocrites.

Third, what does whether something like race or sexual orientation can be changed have to do with restrictions of marriage law, anyway? If you are someone who opposes same sex marriage and supports interracial ones – and maybe you are even someone who is in love with someone not of your race – why can’t you just find someone your own race to fall in love with? Hmm? Why can’t the state tell you to find someone of your own race to marry? Obviously, that won’t be an impediment to what you seem to think is the primary purpose of marriage: having children. No? Oh, I see. You don’t want the government telling you who you can and cannot fall in love with. And when you do fall in love with someone, you don’t want the government stopping you from getting married. But you are perfectly willing to impose those exact things on gays and lesbians. Did I say you are hypocrites?

Two, same sex marriage isn’t a civil right because that would make incest, polygamy and marriage with a child also civil rights. First of all, if you want to talk about polygamy, I suggest you look within your own ranks, religous fundamentalists. It does not take gay marriage to sanction polygamy, as polygamy has existed in more societies than same sex marriage ever has. Same is the case with marrying off children and incest. So, look in the damn mirror first.

I did not want to have to do this, but since the Catholic Church is behind efforts to stop same sex marriage on these grounds, let me point the finger in the Church leadership’s eyes and take them on a time machine few years back when the scandal of Catholic priests sexually abusing children – especially young boys – became legendary.

But going back to the issue at hand, marrying children is never a civil right because children cannot enter a contract on their own. Marriage is a contract. Children have limited ability to give informed consent, hence cannot enter into a contract. That ends the argument right there. Incest can be mostly attributable to the same issues – where the freedom of consent may be jeopardized by pressures of family, and it has socially produced more abuse than anything else. Same for polygamy. But again, I point to you that NONE of these are even remotely related to same sex marriage, since all of these things have happened without same sex marriage. So spare me this “the sky is falling” bullshit.

Three, who’ll think of the children? Children can’t grow up without a mom and a dad! This is of course a lie. We all know conservative concern for children are all crocodile tears once the children are out of the womb. Nonetheless, I will address the merits. No comprehensive study has ever shown that children are in fact worse off with two same sex parents than with two opposite sex ones. Period. It is not the gender of the parents that matter – it is the love and care and support they are able to provide for their children. It’s not even just the number of parents. A vast number of things, including resources and support available to the children and the parents both in school and in the community matters. The economic condition of the parents matter. Conservatives are quick to point out the plight of fatherless children, but they are hard pressed to address the fact that children become fatherless (or lack one parent) largely in communities that are devastated by economic hardships and a lack of the ladder of opportunity. They are quick to chastise children born out of wedlock, but refuse to understand the importance of comprehensive sex education. They are quick to condemn communities pleagued with gang violence, but will not recognize the need for economic support in schools for after school programs. So, yes, spare me the crocodile tears. If you are concerned about children, shed your dogma and provide support for all parents, all children in all communities so they can all have a better shot at life.

Four, gasp, the children again! Kindergarteners might have to be taught about same sex marriage! Oh, the horror! How horrible it would be if our children were taught that the two mommies of their friend Johnny love him just as much as the mom and dad of their other friend Jill love her! Listen, if kindergarteners are taught about marriage at all – then yes, they should be taught about all marriages and all families. But why do I get the feeling that kids 2-6 are not usually taught about intricate details of what goes on in Mom and Dad’s bedroom? Basically, they are trying to insinuate that little kids might be taught about homosexual sex. What the idiots don’t realize is that by that, they are saying that kindergarteners are currently taught about heterosexual sex. Which is false, of course.

Five, health! Heterosexually married men live longer, healthier, happier, richer lives. Duh. What they won’t tell you, of course, is that pretty much all the data available is on heterosexually married men, and pretty much none on gay-married people. Meaning that there is no basis for comparison. And that’s even besides the point. If we found out, for example, that men married to older women live longer, healthier, happier, richer lives than men married to younger women, should we ban heterosexual marriages where the female partner is younger? It’s just a stupid, idiotic argument that has no bearings on the issue.

Six, and here’s the hammer – attack on religious liberty! Oh, no!! If gay marriages remain legal, these idiots claim, that Churches and other religious organizations that refuse to marry gay couples could be sued. Umm, no. Plenty of religious institutions right this minute refuse to sanction many heterosexual marriages that are sanctioned by secular state law in California. Catholic Churches doctrinally do not sanction second marriages (after a divorce) but the state of California does. No one is screaming that the Catholic Church should be sued because it won’t allow some marriages legally allowed in California. Many religous houses of worship do not allow interreligious marriages – both partners must of the particular house’s persuation. But the State of California allows interfaith marriages just the same. Conversely, the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Church has been blessing same sex marriages for a long time – marriages which, prior to the Supreme Court decision, were not recognized by the state of California. So this idea that religious houses of worship would or could ever be forced to comply with the marriage laws of the state is absolutely ludicrous.

The second argument on religious liberty is that doctors will no longer be able to discriminate against same sex couples because of their religious convictions – in cases like, say, artificial insemination for lesbian couples. Yes, that’s true. Doctors do not practice medicine under a license issued by the Church. They practice medicine under a license issued by the State of California. And that means they will need to conform to the laws of the state. If you are a doctor and your religion tells you not to treat people of another faith, you need to find another line of work, because you are about to lose your license. It is no different for this case. If you are a licensed professional who is unable to meet the requirements of that license, it’s time for you to find another line of work.

My Appeal: If you live in California, please support the right of all loving couples (adults) to be married if they choose. VOTE NO ON PROP 8. In the end, even though sexuality is not a choice, marriage always is. And the fundamental right to choose to enter into that special covenet and contract should belong to all Californians, regardless of the gender of the person they love.

CA-04 McClintock’s Alaskan Connection

Well, I never expected to be writing this diary !  Warning: Subject matter touches on Alaska, but does not name She Who Will Not Be Named.

Just two people made donations to the Alaskan Republican Party in February of 2006.

One of them was McClintock, the CA State Senator,  the Republican with the Southern California address who is trying to carpetbag his way into Northern California’s district 4 Congressional seat, running against Charlie Brown (D, Roseville) to replace the Abramoff scandal encrusted John Doolittle (R, Chevron, Not yet indicted )  Doolittle just lost an ex staffer to the Feds last week when Kevin Ring was arrested.

The other person who donated to the Alaskan Republican Party in February of 2006 was…… drumroll please….. the lobbyist for the City of Wasilla.  Named Bickford.  And a lobbyist for an engineering company that contracts with Amoco and Shell Oil.

It’s not the Onion.  It’s my Congressional district.  

McDooDuck    Into the Wild. Drill Here. Drill Now.  McDooDuck has seen the Caribou.

Here’s the link you want to see for this:…

Bill McClintock

2150 River Plaza Dr.

Sacramento, California 95833     2/2/2006  $412.56

Frank Bickford

2426 Turnagain Pkwy

Anchorage, Alaska 99501           2/34/06   $500

Notice how it says “Bill” and not “Tom.”   I pulled up the original FEC ticket, and it lists him as a state senator with the Sacramento CA address.  There are no other state senators in the California State Senate or Assembly named McClintock in 2006.  

2150 River Plaza Dr Sac CA 95833, but No Suite #

This address is an office building of many suites.  The image of original FEC ticket doesn’ t have the suite number, either:…        However, the  McClintock for Congress committee does have an address of 2150 River Plaza Dr, #150, Sac CA 95833.   HOWEVER, McClintock, in February of 2006,  had not yet filed papers to run for federal Congress in 2008.  He did this early this spring, filing his statement of organization on March 10, 2008.   So he didn’t have that committee yet.   The address is the one used by his accountant, David Bauer, for his campaign account, McClintock for Congress.…

This is the same accountant and address that Rep. John Doolittle uses.

By rooting around in the state of Alaska’s public filings (why not, every body else in the known universe is )   I found out that Frank Bickford is a lobbyist for the City of Wasilla, Alaska.   So far I’ve found him listed for the years 2003,  2004, and 2006 for that function, but there are lots of other Alaskan listings and years for him, for instance, as providing Government Affairs Consulting for the Bickford Pacific Group in 2006.…

In 2008, according to the Alaskan state site, he’s also a lobbyist for Walmart, Dell Computers, and “Computer Associates Inc.”  

Bickford is also quoted as a “governmental affairs consultant in Anchorage” in an August 2008 article on the Alaskan GOP in the Huffington Post.

Here’s the pdf and then a search url for the link for the state of Alaska lobbyists, 2003.……

On the 2004 filings, Bickford is also listed as a lobbyist for Natoma Technologies of Sacramento, California.   Natoma does Enviromental Engineering for AMOCO and SHELL oil, and also did IT work for the CA elections system, and made strategic information systems for the Telecoms Contel/GTE and DCA/NCS.

Shell Oil, as you will recall from my previous diary “Shale,” is the company doing the test production of cooking the the oil shale to try to extract a petroleum like substance out of it in the Green River Shale Formation, which Crazy Tom has been trying to pass off as having billions of barrels of petroleum reserves just ripe for the drilling.  You remember that diary, where I described how they have to heat the rocks to 900ºF for 3 years to get the oil out ?  I knew that was going to come in handy soon.

Here is a little chart of the recent jobs of the Republican VP candidate

Wasilla City Council  1992 to 1996

Mayor of Wasilla 1996 to 2002

Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, “Ethics” Supervisor, 2003 to Jan 2004 (resigned)

2003 to 2005, Ted Steven Excellence in Public Service Inc 527 group for Republican Women

time gap July 2005 to Nov 2006 (ran in Primary, Aug 2006)

Alaskan Governor, 2006 –  

VP Republican Candidate, 2008

I’m only mentioning this to show that the VP candidate might be aquainted with the lobbyist of Wasilla, since it’s a small state, population wise.   And who knows?  Maybe McClintock has heard of the lobbyist?

Okay, we see that the Alaskan Republican Party was not exactly rolling in the donations during that reporting period in February 2006.  But who got money from them?  They did make 2 big payments, or disbursements.

Curiously, both were to the same Minnesota address, without any name of any organization given.…

570 Asbury St  201

St Paul  Minnesota  55104       FOR “GENERIC PARTY FUNDRAISING”    3/21/2006  $4372.80      and on  3/28/2006   $ 4036.80

Why is the Alaska Republican Party sending over $8000 to the address in Minnesota in the spring of 2006  ?   “Generic Party Fundraising?”  What’s at this address ?…

“570 Asbury Street,  201,  St Paul MN 55104” = FLS=  the address of Tony Feather, political director of Bush’s 2000 campaign, and Tom Synhorst  of Progress for America DCI Group, which ran the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth against John Kerry.

According to source,  Feather Larson and Synhorst DCI are “Specialists in Telephone Contact Business.”  This telemarketing company specializes in creating phony front groups to make it appear as if there’s a groundswell of support for its clients issues.  They were  one of the largest recievers of funds from the Republican National Commitee in 2004. They were praised by Karl Rove.  They have Minnesota and Arizona offices.

The Minnesota Democratic DFL Party says


{{{ St. Paul, MN (June 4, 2008) Today at the State Capitol, Minnesota DFL Chair Brian Melendez held a press conference to address new details about Norm Coleman’s relationship with the DCI Group and the group’s disgraceful actions in previous elections.

Among those revelations are that the Coleman campaign rented office space   with FLS-DCI  (Feather, Larson, and Synhorst DCI, a lobbying and consulting firm mentioned above ) and that the same FLS-DCI and DCI Group operatives that serve as the core of Coleman’s political operation were behind several shadowy GOP “soft-money” efforts, including the infamous Swift Boat ads and attacks waged on Paul Wellstone in 2002.

Meanwhile, Coleman’s Campaign Shared Address with FLS-DCI:

(Senator) Coleman’s Campaign Shared Two St. Paul Addresses With FLS-DCI. On 1/2/2000, FLS (Feather Larson & Synhorst ) was registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office, listing its address 570 Asbury Street, Suite 201, St. Paul, MN 55104.  On 4/13/2003, Coleman For Senate 02 filed a quarterly FEC report with the address of 570 Asbury Street, Suite 201 A, St. Paul, MN 55104. The previous address used was 1410 Energy Park Drive #11, St. Paul, MN 55108. In 2003, Coleman filed his statement of candidacy using the Asbury address. On 3/21/2005, Coleman For Senate 02 and Coleman For Senate 08 notified the FEC that their address had changed to 7300 Hudson Blvd Suite, #270 A, St. Paul, MN 55128. On 7/14/07, an amendment was filed with the Minnesota Secretary of State Office, listing FLS address had changed to 7300 Hudson Blvd, Suite #270. On 8/20/2007 Coleman for Senate 08 notified the FEC that their address had changed to 680 Transfer Road, Suite A, St. Paul, MN 55114. [Minnesota Secretary of State; Coleman For Senate 02 FEC Filings, 2003 Q1 Report, 2005 Statement of Organization; Coleman For Senate 08 FEC Filings,2003 Statement of Candidacy 2005 Statement of Organization, 2007 Statement of Organization]

Coleman’s Campaign Has Paid FLS More Than $35,000 In Rent. According to FEC Reports, Coleman’s campaign has paid $35,274.90 in rent to FLC Connect, FLS-DCI, FLS LLC or Feather, Larson & Synhorst between November 3, 2003 and August 16, 2007. [Coleman for Senate FEC Reports, 2003-2007] Note: 4 of those rent payments are estimated from larger payments from the campaign to FLS that included rent (i.e. rent and blackberries)    }}}  

Republican Senator Norm Coleman sure gets around a lot.  Coleman used  printed documents sent by mail to the FEC instead of electronic filings in 2006 , which means easily searching his database of hundreds of pages of payment disbursements is akin to mushing huskies from Anchorage to Nome during a whiteout.

Now, if the Republican Party of Alaska is using the swiftboat group, via Senator Norm Coleman’s “rent” money,  and the state of Alaska gets its revenues from oil, and therefore the Republican Party of Alaska gets oil money at least indirectly from people’s salaries or dividends, can one connect the dots and connect Big Oil with Swiftboating?    

And what about Tom?


Always the fiscal tightwad looking ahead for the next contest, McClintock’s treasurer sent a letter to the State of CA in May of 2005, asking if he could transfer money from the state Senate Account  to the Lt Governor’s campaign account, but if he had leftover money, and lost,  could he then transfer it back into the State Senate account again.  The answer, mercifully, was no.   But McClintock was already looking beyond the state campaigns in early 2006.  That’s one heck of a coincidence he was only one of two donations and the other one was with the lobbyist for the town of Wasilla, Alaska, and  the same Committee was then disbursing to the Swift Boat telemarketers.      

(pdf download)…

In my previous diary,…  “I Found It, Where Crazy Tom got his drill thang”  we discovered where Crazy Tom McClintock got his “energy” policy from, he lifted it from a book by the notorious author Jerome Corsi.  If you read the book excerpts and the original Crazy Tom policy, they are eerily similiar.  Which is funny, because Tom McClintock claimed to have authored that dud himself.   Crazy Tom even put pictures of little cricket pump oil wells on his web page.  He’s in luv with this idea of being the next JR Ewing of Santa Barbara.  

I’ve devoted several diaries to debunking the “energy policy” thing, on oil shale reserves vs. what is really recoverable, and how the Auburn dam on the earthquake fault will not be cheap hydropower, and  so have the local media here in CA, because he kept insisting that China was sucking out Florida oil off of Cuba.

Yesterday, of course, his other dumb blogger just regurgitated part of it again.  I don’t think they understand what they are saying, so I’m not bothering to link to it or argue with it.  But if we look at the works of Jerome Corsi, bad author extraordinaire, I believe we can figure out what Tom McClintock is going to do next.  

From wikipedia, on Corsi:…

In 2004, Corsi wrote a critical biography of then Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry called Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.
In 2005 he published Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians, which claimed Democratic politicians are corrupted by Iranian money and are helping the mullahs, who seek nuclear weapons, in Tehran.[14] That same year he co-authored Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil (2005) with Craig R. Smith.

In 2006, he also co-authored Showdown with Nuclear Iran: Radical Islam’s Messianic Mission to Destroy Israel and Cripple the United States with Michael D. Evans.    In August 2006 he published Minutemen: The Battle to Secure America’s Borders with Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist). This book criticizes President George W. Bush’s border protection policies, accusing him of furthering plans to create a North American Union.[15]   In May 2006, Corsi co-wrote the book Rebuilding America with Kenneth Blackwell, then Ohio secretary of state and a Republican candidate for Governor of Ohio.[16]


Corsi’s book The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality was released on August 1, 2008, and is critical of Barack Obama and his candidacy for President. In response, the Obama campaign issued a 40 page rebuttal called “Unfit for Publication” on his website, alleging serious factual errors.[36] The Democratic National Committee responded calling him “One of the most vile smear peddlers of the 2004 election” and he was “too crazy even for Swiftboat liars.”[37] According to various American news sources, many of the accusations made in the book are unsubstantiated, misleading, or inaccurate.[38][39][40][41][42][43][44] [45]

Corsi Books. Full of lies and paranoia, every single one.  Swiftboating real Vietnam veterans. Iran has nukes to kill Christians and Jews so we have to bomb them first. Oil is not a hydrocarbon fossil fuel, but replenishes itself underground so we’re not running out. Mexico is sending millions of people over the border every year to reconquer the American southwest and restore the Aztec civilization, and destroy the superior culture of Christianity.  Rebuild America by cutting taxes and destroying its safety net, and don’t forget to do voter suppression in Ohio in 2004 in case they want to vote for the person the first book smeared.

Swiftboating.  Yes, we’re seeing a lot of that directed against Brown in the Republican blogs and local smaller papers in the comments section, and it’s a direct lift off of John Doolittle’s campaign webpage from 2006.  

The Drill Drill Drill thing.  Yup. McClintock has that covered.  

Minutemen. Last week Tom McClintock did a rally with a Minutemen group on the steps of the state capitol here in Sacramento, where he stood there and called on the Federal government to cut off funding to San Francisco and Los Angeles, all the things a normal Republican does here in Sacramento when the budget is facing a 15 billion dollar shortfall and is nearly 2 months overdue and said Republican has vowed to never vote for it if it raises any taxes.   The Minutemen are a front group with racist overtones, for email scammers on little old ladies who then take the money and pay companies that do voter caging.  There weren’t that many people there.  He was scaring the tourists away from that side of the building.   The government workers were the funniest. They would come out and try to not look and just walk past it quickly, embarrassed.  Just ignore the recording talking about the secret blood sacrifices all Latinos must perform as a rite of adulthood,  and the conspiracy to turn it all into Mexico again.  McClintock grandstanding again.  Now what.  It’s always something.  

So that leaves Muslims are terrorists that want to nuke us, or candidate Obama is a secret commie with a great personality.  Combine the 2 and Obama is a Muslim terrorist out to nuke us but he’s a secret Canadian with a devious rock star attraction to health coverage,  who must be stopped by the true descendants of Lincoln and Jefferson or we might use windmills or eat arugula or destroy the culture.  Or some such thing.   But at this point, I’m reasonably sure of 2 things:  One, Corsi is crazy like a fox, and is just writing what “they” tell him to to scare people, and McClintock, having committed himself to following this storyline, has nowhere to go but  ……



photo by diary author, and thanks to spouse for editing assistance earlier.

also seen at dailykos  and progressive blue ( )  

Perata: “Republicans Won”

Here’s Don Perata, admitting to Matier and Ross that he is surrendering to Republicans and making Californians and Democrats pay for his catastrophically failed term as leader in the Senate:

Sacramento legislators are predicting that the Legislature will finally agree on a state budget within the next week to 10 days – one that, despite the efforts of the Democratic majority and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, will not include a tax hike….

Now, instead of raising taxes, lawmakers will attempt to make more cuts in state spending, borrow against the lottery and use one-time funds to dig their way out of the state’s $17.2 billion deficit for 2008-09 – then get out of town as fast as possible….

“As the governor said, we are only kicking the can down the street. Next year we’ll have the same problem,” Perata said. “Bottom line – the Republicans won.”

This “one-time funds” means stealing money from local government. Perata is going to bankrupt every city in California so that he can get out of his last legislative session before the end of summer. He is also going to undercut Speaker Karen Bass, who has been resolute in resisting Republican demands for a cuts-only budget (which Perata has now embraced) and in finding long-term solutions.

Perata is also undercutting public employees and their unions. When more California cities join Vallejo in declaring bankruptcy because Perata stole their money to balance the state’s budget, that will merely bolster the existing movement to gut public employees’ pensions and benefits. Public employees are having to fight defensive actions across the state against those who wrongly argue that those employees are breaking city budgets. Perata is about to give their opponents priceless ammunition, and workers are going to suffer greatly so that Perata can “get out of town.”

And Perata is undercutting every Democrat in the state, especially those fighting Republicans in red or purple districts. By giving the Republicans a crucial victory even though the public supported the Dems and opposed the Republicans on the budget. Republican anti-tax arguments will have been bolstered and they can now go to voters and say “see? we said the budget could be balanced without taxes and Perata proved it.” Democratic candidates who were planning to run against Republicans on the budget have now been undercut, just as Democrats on the Central Coast were undercut by Perata earlier this year.

Both David Dayen and I have called for Perata to resign. But we seem to be beyond that now. Why are Senate Democrats allowing Perata to give the Republicans everything they wanted? Who in the Senate Democratic caucus allowed Perata to wave the white flag? Senate Democrats are condemning themselves and this state to an even worse budget standoff next year with this surrender, and condemning public workers to a slow bleed. They need to explain to us why they are letting Perata work with the Republicans to destroy our state like this. Or they need to repudiate Perata’s tactics and throw him overboard, before they throw all of us overboard.

Obama-Related Links

• Yesterday there was a horrible Metrolink train accident in Chatsworth (San Fernando Valley) that killed 23 and injured 135.  Mitchell Schwartz, the California State Director for the Obama campaign, sends this along:

Many of you have asked what you can do to help. The UCLA Blood and Platelet Center will be open Monday through Friday to accept blood donations. Healthy donors of all blood types are needed to donate blood. Appointments can be made by calling 310-794-7217 ext. 2. Contact the Red Cross at 800-RED-CROSS or visit for other information about blood donation or ways you can help.

Thank you, and please keep your thoughts and prayers with the families and victims affected by this terrible tragedy.

Please help if you can.  It’s great that the Obama campaign is sensitive to this kind of thing, especially considering that there’s little electoral value in it.

• I also wanted to mention this great tool put together by the Obama campaign called Vote For Change.  This is the easiest-to-use tool I’ve ever seen to register to vote, confirm your voter registration, find your polling place, and apply for an absentee ballot.  It’s not only a resource for yourself, but something you should forward to everyone you know nationwide.  We know that the Republican ground game in this election is primarily concerned with voter suppression and intimidation.  Vote For Change is an amazingly simple tool that can help you fight back.