Congratulations to Debra Bowen. Under her leadership, a record 17.3 million Californians are registered to vote in the November election. That is 74.56% of total eligible voters, which isn’t too bad. Bowen released the statistics today, and there are lots of interesting numbers in there.
Here are the county stats. Democrats have a 2.25 million voter lead on Republicans, and represent 44.40% of the electorate, as opposed to 31.37% for the Yacht Party. Riverside and Imperial Counties are still below the average for eligible voters (both around 65%), but well up from earlier in the year, a great boon for Manuel Perez’ efforts. Orange County is among the best for percentage of eligible voters registered, with 86%. Democrats have taken control in San Bernardino County, with a 10,000-vote lead. And in San Diego County, the spread is an incredible 400 votes (539,560 for Democrats, 539,939 for Republicans).
Let’s go to the Congressional stats.
CA-03: Republicans outnumber Democrats now by just 9,000 votes, a difference of only 2.19%. If Bill Durston doesn’t pull off the win, this is the #1 targeted seat for 2010.
CA-04: Still a hefty lead for registered Republicans, 45.94% to 31.06%.
CA-11: Registered Republicans still outnumber registered Dems here, but by only 3,800 votes (about 1%).
CA-26: Now a 20,000 vote spread (around 5.5% lead for Republicans).
CA-45: Republicans outnumber Democrats by 16,000 votes (4.6%). This seat also needs to be targeted heavily now and in the future.
CA-46: 31.91% for Democrats, 44.07% for Republicans.
CA-50: 31.35% for Dems, 40.55% for Republicans.
Here’s the Assembly.
AD-10: Literally 100 votes separate Democrats and Republicans here. But you know, it’s hopelessly gerrymandered.
AD-15: Democrats have 12,000 more votes than Republicans (3.5%).
AD-26: Democrats outnumber Republicans by 5,000 votes (2.4%).
AD-30: A 13,000 vote lead for Democrats.
AD-36: Again, 100 votes separate Democrats and Republicans. I didn’t realize it was this close. Linda Jones has a real shot.
AD-37: Republicans have the advantage by 16,000 votes (around 6%).
AD-38: Republicans have a 9,000 vote advantage.
AD-63: That’s only an 8,000 vote lead for Republicans.
AD-78: Democrats have fully 26,000 more registered voters than Republicans (a lead of 11%).
AD-80: It’s a 15,000 vote lead here, 44.99% to 37.17%.
Six seats flipping, given the expected big turnout, is definitely a possibility.
The State Senate shows gains in SD-12 (47.33% Democratic, 33.41% Republican), SD-15 (40.86% Democratic, 34.82% Republican) and SD-19, where Democrats hold the registration advantage by a thin 1,058 votes. 2/3 is within reach by 2010.