SD-19: This is where it’s at

Despite the failure of Senate Democrats to legitimately contest the 2 seats necessary to gain a 2/3 majority, the one seat that is up for grabs, SD-19, is getting a lot of attention.  From Capitol Weekly:

If the Capitol looks a bit deserted this week, there’s a good reason: Some 200 staff workers have headed into the Ventura area for the hottest legislative battle of the year, pitting two former Assembly members for the Senate seat held by Tom McClintock, who is running for Congress.

Democrat Hannah-Beth Jackson and Republican Tony Strickland are neck-and-neck in the 19th Senate District, a Republican stronghold that has experienced a recent surge in Democratic registrations. Political pros say the race is too close to call, and Senate leaders this week began pouring personnel into the zone to buttress the local campaigns. (Capitol Weekly 10/31/08)

Ooh, you can bet there will be fun times in Ventura County this weekend! I mean what can possibly be more fun than 200 legislative staffers. Partying, knocking on some doors, you know general mayhem.

Hey I know somebody who is a fan of general mayhem. Yes Tony Strickland, I’m looking at you, Mr. Sly Trickster.

My Favorite Mormons: Steve and Barbara Young

“We believe ALL families matter and we do not believe in discrimination,

therefore, our family will vote against Prop 8.”
— Barbara Young

Loved the gravestones, Barb.

RIP inequality, Nov. 4


May discrimination

be a thing of the past,

May hate and fear

be gone at last

RIP prop 8!

Those who forget

the past

are condemned

to repeat it.

No to 8!!!

And omens don’t get much clearer than Steve’s #8 getting retired last month, do they?

Thank you for doing the right thing and standing up for all families.

And this one’s special because a few years from now my daughter is gonna look a lot like Lily:

And Steve, thank you for the reminder that Family Comes First.


AP: Former 49er Steve Young voting No on Prop. 8

SF Chronicle: Steve Young lines up against Mormon church on Prop. 8

CBS5: Steve Young’s Home Displays ‘No On 8’ Signs

RIP prop 8!

Chino Blanco

GOTV Weekend Open Thread

• Stay For Change! We’ve got information posted for the AD-15 (Buchanan) and AD-30 (F. Florez) GOTV 4-day plan.  There’s a lot of GOTV-ing work to do. We’ll work to get additional information ASAP.  If you would like to go to a different district, check out the Stay for Change Action post.

• I’ll remind you about this on Monday, but if you’re looking for some election day activities in LA, how about this phonebank at USC?

• The Palo Alto Police Chief is in hot water after ‘she instructed officers to stop African-Americans and “find out who they are.”‘ Classy, but she meant something else entirely, I’m sure.

• On the national front, our “post-partisan” governor called Barack Obama “scrawny.” Apparently he loved the whole girly-man blowback so much, he thought he’d give it another shot. For reals:

“We’re going to make him do some squats, and then we’re going to give him some bicep curls to beef up those scrawny little arms, but if you only could do something about putting some meat on his ideas,” he said. “Sen. McCain on the other hand is built like a rock,” Schwarzenegger joked.

Schwarzenegger questioned Obama’s readiness to be president, noting that McCain “served this country longer in a POW camp than his opponent has served in the United States Senate,” he said, as the crowd roared with approval. “Ladies and gentlemen, I only play an action hero in my movies, but John McCain is a real action hero.” (LA Times10/31)

Yes, apparently the same cliches he’s been using in California haven’t gone out of style in Ohio yet.

GOTV Locations for AD-15 Joan Buchanan and AD-30 Fran Florez

Below you will find information about GOTV efforts on behalf of Joan Buchanan in AD15 and Fran Florez in AD30.  They are both terrific candidates and can use as much people power hitting the streets this GOTV weekend.  If any of you can spare a couple hours to help out, it would go a long way.  Thanks!



RSVP Today *** Bring A Friend *** Food Provided


9 AM – GOTV Precinct Walk, talk & door drop hanger


10 AM – GOTV Precinct Walk, talk & door drop hanger


9 AM – GOTV Door hanger drop


9:30 AM / Late Dispatch 3:30 PM – Knock & Drag


San Ramon Valley & Walnut Creek

2694 Bishop Drive, Suite 122

San Ramon, CA 94583

RSVP to Anna Schlotz @ 925-806-0560

Livermore Location TBD

RSVP to Anna Schlotz @ 925-806-0560

Brentwood & Oakley

144 Continente, Suite 130

Brentwood, CA 94513

RSVP to Anna Schlotz @ 925-806-0560

Elk Grove, Galt & Stockton

9089 Elk Grove Blvd. #204

Elk Grove, CA 95624

RSVP to Katie Barbero @ 530-306-0816

Get Out The Vote!


Remember, every vote counts.

It’s your right. It’s your future.

G.O.T.V. Schedule of Events:


November 1, 2008

Meet at the Carpenter’s Hall

911 20th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301

9 AM – 1 PM Walk 1

2 PM – 6 PM Walk 2


November 2, 2008

Meet at the Carpenter’s Hall

911 20th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301

8 AM – 2 PM Walk 1


November 3, 2008

Meet at the Carpenter’s Hall

911 20th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301

8 AM – 12 PM Walk 1

1 PM – 4 PM Walk 2

4 PM – 6 PM Walk 3


November 4, 2008

Meet at the Carpenter’s Hall

911 20th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301

9 AM – Get Out The Vote Walk

Get Out The Vote!


Remember, every vote counts.

It’s your right. It’s your future.

G.O.T.V. Schedule of Events:


November 1, 2008

Hanford Headquarters

7 AM – 12 PM Walk 1

1 PM – 4 PM Walk 2


November 2, 2008

Hanford Headquarters

9 AM – 2 PM Walk 1


Hanford Headquarters

 4 PM – 5 pm


November 3, 2008

Hanford Headquarters

9 AM – 12 PM Walk 1

1 PM – 4 PM Walk 2


November 4, 2008

9 AM – Get Out The Vote Walk


Hanford Headquarters

113 Court St. Hanford

@ the corner of 8th St & Irwin St.

Corcoran Dispatch

2001 Bell Ave.

Corcoran, CA

Kingsburg Dispatch

1103 Diane Ave.

Kingsburg, CA 93631

Harris Ranch Inn

Belmont Room

24505 West Dorris Ave.

Coalinga, CA 93210


Need Something to Do On Election Day? Come Phonebank at USC

Looking for something to do on Election Day?  Come to phonebank at USC to help defeat Props 4 and 8 and elect Barack Obama.  Perfect for helping to make a difference before going to work on Election Day.

Annenberg School for Communication

University of Southern California

3502 Watt Way

Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281

7:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Results watching party to follow. All meals and snacks provided for volunteers throughout the day. Bring your own phone, bringing laptops also appreciated. Volunteers not affiliated with USC are welcome.

USC Students for Barack Obama will sponsor calling on behalf of Senator Obama, and USC College Democrats will sponsor calling to oppose Propositions 4 and 8.


Micah Scheindlin

Students For Barack Obama, USC Chapter

[email protected]

New Voter Registration Stats – 17.3 Million Californians Registered To Vote

Congratulations to Debra Bowen.  Under her leadership, a record 17.3 million Californians are registered to vote in the November election.  That is 74.56% of total eligible voters, which isn’t too bad.  Bowen released the statistics today, and there are lots of interesting numbers in there.

Here are the county stats.  Democrats have a 2.25 million voter lead on Republicans, and represent 44.40% of the electorate, as opposed to 31.37% for the Yacht Party.  Riverside and Imperial Counties are still below the average for eligible voters (both around 65%), but well up from earlier in the year, a great boon for Manuel Perez’ efforts.  Orange County is among the best for percentage of eligible voters registered, with 86%.  Democrats have taken control in San Bernardino County, with a 10,000-vote lead.  And in San Diego County, the spread is an incredible 400 votes (539,560 for Democrats, 539,939 for Republicans).

Let’s go to the Congressional stats.

CA-03: Republicans outnumber Democrats now by just 9,000 votes, a difference of only 2.19%.  If Bill Durston doesn’t pull off the win, this is the #1 targeted seat for 2010.

CA-04: Still a hefty lead for registered Republicans, 45.94% to 31.06%.

CA-11: Registered Republicans still outnumber registered Dems here, but by only 3,800 votes (about 1%).

CA-26: Now a 20,000 vote spread (around 5.5% lead for Republicans).

CA-45: Republicans outnumber Democrats by 16,000 votes (4.6%).  This seat also needs to be targeted heavily now and in the future.  

CA-46: 31.91% for Democrats, 44.07% for Republicans.

CA-50: 31.35% for Dems, 40.55% for Republicans.

Here’s the Assembly.

AD-10: Literally 100 votes separate Democrats and Republicans here.  But you know, it’s hopelessly gerrymandered.

AD-15: Democrats have 12,000 more votes than Republicans (3.5%).

AD-26: Democrats outnumber Republicans by 5,000 votes (2.4%).

AD-30: A 13,000 vote lead for Democrats.

AD-36: Again, 100 votes separate Democrats and Republicans.  I didn’t realize it was this close.  Linda Jones has a real shot.

AD-37: Republicans have the advantage by 16,000 votes (around 6%).

AD-38: Republicans have a 9,000 vote advantage.

AD-63: That’s only an 8,000 vote lead for Republicans.

AD-78: Democrats have fully 26,000 more registered voters than Republicans (a lead of 11%).

AD-80: It’s a 15,000 vote lead here, 44.99% to 37.17%.

Six seats flipping, given the expected big turnout, is definitely a possibility.

The State Senate shows gains in SD-12 (47.33% Democratic, 33.41% Republican), SD-15 (40.86% Democratic, 34.82% Republican) and SD-19, where Democrats hold the registration advantage by a thin 1,058 votes.  2/3 is within reach by 2010.

Use It or Lose It California

In 2006 I contributed to a project originated by Chris Bowers called Use It or Lose It. It came back in lower profile again this year, but it’s a good habit to get into up and down the political spectrum every election cycle. The premise is that our elected Democrats- when safe or unchallenged for re-election, should be dipping into their campaign cash reserves to bolster our chances in competitive races. It’s been particularly relevant these two most recent election cycles because of the myriad pickup opportunities across the country and across the state.

Dave in particular has been hammering around these Calitics parts for a long time on the need to target a 2/3 majority in the state legislature if we’re ever going to pass a reasonable budget or pass a legitimately progressive budget (Democrat does not necessarily equal progressive I realize). So how have our state Dems been doing when it comes to spreading the wealth? We all know that incumbency is a powerful force in this state, so generally sitting on a lot of cash can’t be explained by anticipating a re-election fight. A quick chart of the notable and the affluent Democratic state legislators submitted without further comment. You can make your own analysis and comparisons, though there are certainly some aspirants to leadership here: