CA-32: Judy Chu wins the money race

Following up on the post I just made about the CA-32 fundraising race, it seemed like Judy Chu saved the best for last:

The breadth and strength of Judy Chu’s campaign for Congress was demonstrated again today as candidates reported their first fundraising numbers for this May 19 special election.

In the first three months of 2009, Judy Chu collected an impressive $770,167, over $200,000 more than her nearest rival, State Senator Gil Cedillo.

Judy Chu, Vice-Chair of the California State Board of Equalization, reported a strong $577,609 cash-on-hand figure at the end of the period.

Chu’s consultant, Parke Skelton, stated, “Judy Chu is well on the way towards surpassing $1 million for this race.  Her fundraising reflects the enthusiastic and broad support she has attracted from throughout the 32nd District.  Just over 83% of her contributions have come from individuals, not PACS.  An impressive 1,567 individuals contributed to Dr. Chu’s campaign in this filing period.”

We’ll see how much of a difference that amount of money makes in a low-turnout special.  But those numbers were as of the end of the quarter, with over a month and a half to go in this election.  It’s entirely possible that we’ll have two million-dollar candidates in this race.

3 thoughts on “CA-32: Judy Chu wins the money race”

  1. The Los Angeles Times has reported, inadvertently, that Cedillo does not live in this district.  Shouldn’t the voters know that?

  2. Brief article at the Pasadena Star News about figures:

    I’m a constituent of Cedillo’s and it’s quite obvious that his main following is not in the 32nd CD.  It’ll be interesting to see how much of his $441,000 will go into ads and how much to his GOTV effort.

    The caucus for the Democratic Party endorsement is this Saturday and it’s rumored that the delegate turnout will be in the hundreds.  I can’t wait to cast my vote for Judy Chu.

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