Robert Cruickshank’s CDP Endorsements

I know you’ve all been waiting for this with bated breath, but here are my endorsements for the contested California Democratic Party (and a few California Young Democrats) races that will be decided at this weekend’s convention.

  • Chair: John Burton. I consider Chris Finnie a friend and believe she’s doing the right thing by offering a conversation and ideas about how to modernize the party for the 21st century. But when it comes to the CDP, right here and right now, I can’t pass up the chance to put a bulldog in the spotlight. John Burton is going to be an activist chair, more willing to take openly progressive positions and assert leadership for the kinds of changes this state needs, including the 2/3 rule. As the right-wing organizes to make 2010 another wingnutty year on the model of 1994, Burton can hold that tide back without trying to push the party to the center.

    He does have plans to revitalize the party’s grassroots operations, so it’s not the case that he is lacking in that department. That being said, I hope he considers the proposals Chris Finnie has offered.

  • Vice-Chair: Alex Rooker. She is committed to the development of a truly grassroots network of organizers in the state, and has pursued this in her role as vice-chair over the last four years. Alicia Wang offers lots of enthusiasm but I see no reason to not support Alex Rooker for another term. Note: Since Eric Bauman is now running unopposed, there’s no need to make an endorsement there. Which is good because I hadn’t made up my mind on that one anyway.
  • Controller: Hilary Crosby. I’m glad that Eric Bradley now claims to understand the need to provide some better oversight and management of CDP funds. But he is not the right person to implement this, especially since he does not appear to have done much to counteract the “Laundromat” (Eric’s words) that the CDP finances have been during the last four years when he was Controller. That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement of giving him another four years.

    Further, at the E-Board meeting in Anaheim in November he argued that “nobody could imagine” in the spring of 2008 that November 2008 might offer unprecedented pickup opportunities for Democrats, so it was fine that the party didn’t allocate as much money to those races as it should.

    Hilary Crosby has long understood the need for changing how the CDP handles its money. She is the right person for the job of cleaning up the finances.

  • Region 9 Director – Shawn Bagley. I don’t know if this is even a contested race, but Shawn deserves a statewide shout-out. He has done truly amazing work as the regional director here on the Monterey Bay. Last year he helped build a robust network of Democratic campaign HQ’s and did the work to make sure they were staffed and effective in their communities. The Salinas HQ, which he had the most direct leadership over, was a hub of activity and left a powerful organizing legacy in the Salinas Valley. Now he has taken the lead in organizing these HQs as permanent “Centers for Change”, along with Monterey County Dem chair Vinz Koller and a group of activists and organizers. He is showing how you organize the party in this state.

    Plus he has been very warm and welcoming to me, which was helpful since I’m a newbie here in town. Shawn is a model of how to build an inclusive party, where the leaders bring in newcomers with open arms and support their involvement in the party. Even if you don’t get a vote in his reelection as Region 9 Director, if you see him, say hi and “job well done.”

  • CYD Parliamentarian – Dante “Hekebolos” Atkins. I first got to know him in the comments at Daily Kos, and have since gotten to know and work with him in person. Dante is a wonderful progressive, a true grassroots activist, and a future leader in this state. He’s done some excellent work on the CDP Platform Committee. He knows how to make organizations like the CYD relevant and important, and isn’t seeking this for personal status or as a rung on a career ladder. He deserves the support of California Young Dems. Note: I’m not endorsing in any other CYD races, mainly because I can’t generate the necessary enthusiasm for those races. Sorry.

So, those are my recommendations for the CDP and CYD offices. Feel free to offer yours in the comments – and I’ll see you guys at the convention on Friday!

2 thoughts on “Robert Cruickshank’s CDP Endorsements”

  1. …don’t you think our government has enough doddering oldsters. I’m in my 60s, my mom is going strong at 87, so I’m not an ageist; however,  I really, really don’t see how a 77 year old is gonna get done against the hordes of 40 year old fascistii the ReThugs field all the time.

    Unless of course Mr. Burton is gonna be a figurehead…

    No, I don’t think you’ve the right of it here nor does the national leadership. Obama is a fluke; a good one but one the establishment would have preferred to do without. They know that by the time you’ve reached 60 in politics you are so constrained by all the deals you’ve made that your ability to engineer real progressive change is gone.

    Let’s get some younger more aggressively PROGRESSIVE folks in there. We do not need deal makers we need smashmouth guards and tackles who will pulverize the ReThugs. Who will leave their cleatmarks on the faces of the ideologues who are destroying our state.

    Unless, of course, you want them coming back in 2012 and beyond.

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