The Difference 22 Votes Makes

Dante noted earlier today the Yes on 1A mailer that found itself in the California’s mailboxes today, and its sad-sack effort to take tepid statements made by Barack Obama and somehow spin them into rhetorical gold that would earn the support of Democrats.

Unnoted in that post, however, was another mailer that arrived simultaneously in support of 1C.  Let’s compare the two:

I’m no expert in direct mail, but I can tell you that as a Democrat, the one on the left endorsed by the California Democratic Party gets my attention.  The one on the right?  Not so much.

Ultimately, of course, this is all fairly academic: according to the current polling, neither 1A nor 1C have a bat’s chance in hell of passing on May 19th.

Still, the inability of the 1A crowd to put out as unequivocal and clear a mailer as the 1C crowd was the difference of just 22 votes on the Convention floor.  22 votes.  If the polling on the issue were any closer, that fact would make a big difference in the media war.

Let no one say that each individual activist doesn’t make a difference.

4 thoughts on “The Difference 22 Votes Makes”

  1. We should probably not see where you live… or THEY should not see where you live.  🙂

  2. down the rathole of supporting this doomed measure?  They really ought to spend 1/1000th of it on a party for those delegates who opposed it.  The other 999/1000ths would still go to good use.

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