May 13 Open Thread

To the links:

• First of all, I (Brian) want to point out a great event in the city on election night next Tuesday.  While you would be busy drowning your sorrows (because let’s face it, nobody wins come Tuesday), why don’t you come out and check out the San Francisco Young Democrats Volunteer Symposium. There will be some free appetizers and a cash bar, plenty of great folks, and lots of opportunities to volunteer for some outstanding organizations.

• I (Brian) did some chanting against Prop 1A in front of the Governor’s office in San Francisco today.  And there’s video, but given that I look like a total freak I probably shouldn’t be spreading that around.

• AB 382, sponsored by EQCA, passed out of the Assembly with 65 votes, quite impressive for an LGBT measure.  Essentially the bill requires prisons to look at sexual orientation and gender identity when they review who needs extra protection. Of course if we had a fully functioning prison system, we would less special protection because people wouldn’t be getting shanked all over the yard and raped in the massively overcrowded sleeping quarters.

Also in the gay rights legislation world, Sen Leno was also able to get a Republican vote in the Senate for his Harvey Milk Day bill.  Guess which Republican it was…if you said our dear friend Abel M., then you are right. I don’t want to use his last name, for his own protection and all. Also, the Equal ID act passed out of committee. It would make it easier for transgender people to obtain accurate documents with their correct name and gender.

• Where would the Republican candidates cut? Who knows? says Carla Marinucci.

• For some reason, the Philadelphia Inquirer gave John Yoo, aka torture-memo John, his own column. Terrific, maybe he’ll recommend that Gov. Rendell put dissident legislators in stress positions.  Come to think of it, Rendell has probably done that already.

Michael Savage’s son, Russel Weiner, the CEO of Rockstar Beverages, and a Republican candidate for Assembly in 1998, gave $25,000 to Gavin Newsom’s campaign. Apparently they went to school together.

• Remember: 1A-1F and CD-32 aren’t the only issues on the May 19 ballot for many voters.  The City of Los Angeles is having runoffs in several elections, including Council District 5, City Attorney, and two Community College Board Districts.  You can see the endorsements of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party in those races here.  The special general election in SD-26 featuring Assemblymember Curren Price and his Republican and P & F opponents will also be on the May 19 ballot.  In addition, the City of Moorpark in Ventura County is having a special election to fill an unexpired City Council term.  Many local Democrats are lining up behind firefighter Nathan Sweet.  If there’s a local election going on in your area, let us know.

3 thoughts on “May 13 Open Thread”

  1. How can I find the roll call votes for AB 382? I want to see if my assemblywoman voted for the bill.

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