May 29 Weekend Open Thread

Should be a great weekend in Fresno for Meet in the Middle for Equality. Bring a hat and sunscreen, Fresno will be around 90 degrees.  Anyway, to the links:

John McCain: “Meg Whitman is the future of the GOP.” Wow, I can’t wait for the GOP ads featuring slave labor, theft, maquiladoras and inequality. They will be fantastic!

Anthony Portantino’s AB 53, which Brian has written about, was shelved by the Appropriations Cmte in the Senate.  Manuel Perez’s AB 1501, a bill to restructure payment for boards and commissions, went down as well in similar fashion.

• As for the rest, most bills which involved any amount of spending were not moved, as we face the budget crisis.  That includes SB 810, by the way, the single-payer bill, estimated at $210 billion annually (which seems very exorbitant, who scored that?).

• John Wildermuth lays out his take on the closing of the courts for one day each month. Basically, he doesn’t buy the arguments about delaying justice, seeing it instead as a money thing. Well…he’s kind of right, everything is about money these days. However, he is a bit too quick to cast aside the argument about speedy justice…it is in the Constitution and all. While his argument is a bit shaky, it is good to see that John will continue to monitor state politics. Hey, John, if you ever want to write something for Calitics, let us know!

• Jeff Denham has the same “close San Quentin” op-ed every week these days.  None of them bother to mention that cash collected by the sale of surplus property cannot be used to balance the budget.

Bonnie Lowenthal’s AB 1340 passed out of the Assembly. The bill would make it easier for troops deployed overseas to vote by extending some deadlines.

• Oooh, video of Arnold making fun of Limbaugh, which was in yesterday’s open thread. “Some people say that Rush Limbaugh is the 800 pound gorilla in the Republican party. But I think that’s mean-spirited to say that, because I think he’s down to 650 pounds.” Aww, snap!  

2 thoughts on “May 29 Weekend Open Thread”

  1. The link to the Jeff Denham op-ed is non-functional.  Try linking directly to:

    Anyhow, after I finally got to it and read it, I wonder – even if the sale can’t be used to balance the budget, mightn’t it be a good idea regardless, if the prison is overly expensive to maintain?

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