June 11 Open Thread


• Cruz Bustamante’s campaign manager, Lynn Montgomery, was appointed to the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) by AG Jerry Brown.  Wow, well at least she has some experience in the field.

Curren Price opted to stay in the Assembly a few extra days. It might have made a big difference on a few bills in the Senate if he were there.

• The OC Registers looks at Steve Poizner’s handling of some insurance executives. A bit of coddling perhaps?

• A rumored Guv candidate, Sunne Wright McPeak, says she doesn’t plan on running. It’s too bad, because if you wanted California Backward in the Horseshoe, she was your candidate.

• Sen. Carole Migden got a big infusion of cash in her legal defense fund. The $100,000 donation came from a committee controlled by former Migden aide, and ClearChannel big shot, Michael Colbruno.

• Next10 has released their updated budget challenge. Good luck with that.

One thought on “June 11 Open Thread”

  1. Oil Severance Tax for one.  Many of the other ideas batted around here don’t even make their options.  If one wants to balance the budget on their system, one has to cut.  No wonder the public and politicians don’t get it.  

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