CD10 Candidate Forum June 19 Walnut Creek

Got back from the CD-10 Candidate forum at a standing room only packed auditorium at the Jewish Community Center on Tice Vally Rd in WC. It is always great to see the real candidates in person. This time, we actually have many liberal Dems and no crazy people running – not always the case. I started working at 6 AM today so my comments are SNARK and POSITIVES. I go alphabetically just like the flyer: http://www.lamorindademoclub.o…


Tony: Show up on time for a job interview

Joan: Work on your presentation

Mark: No one really cares about your old restaurant

John: The giant golden bear in the parking lot?? Guess you won’t need that for a governor’s campaign at UCLA. Should have run in CD-03

Adriel: I am not allowed to vote for you because I am over 40 and am not a twitter. Wait a minute my party line is ringing…

Anthony: Experience can actually be a good thing

Enough snark? Read POSITIVES below:


Someone (John I think?) talked about how great it is to have people participating in democracy. I am glad that whoever wins this seat has to work for it, and I think will be a better Representative for participating in a competitive race. Just like Hilary made Barrack a better general election candidate.

Tony: Many well intentioned ideas

Joan: You really do your homework like you said.

Mark: As you pointed out You were there (and in fact the ONLY elected official) at the first large anti war march to Heather Farms Park  in Walnut Creek in ~2004 (don’t remember the actual date). You have been studying public policy for awhile

John: I liked the Proud to be a Public Servant spiel. The record of getting things done over a long period is undisputed

Adriel: A lot of great new ideas. Yes new technologies are important – just look at the Iranians who are risking their lives for using their twitter accounts to change their country.

Anthony: The remarks about courage were very inspiring. You have definitely demonstrated this value and I commend you. Don’t give up if you don’t win this election

Lisa Vorderbrueggen of the CC Times was in the front row, so her stuff is way better written than this.

I walked in supporting Mark DeSaulnier and didn’t see any reason to change. But it is great to see everyone in action, and we will definitely have a good person in Congress from the CD-10. Dave from Lafayette

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