Healthcare demonstration in Los Angeles TOMORROW

Friday is upon us.

We will gather at the corner of Topanga Canyon Blvd. and Califa at the Warner Center Park at 5PM.

By we I mean Pris from LA and I and a handful of other Kossacks who indicated they will be there.

This is a strategic location near the HQs for many HMOS (the Blues, HealthNet, Wellpoint and others).  And we will hold this Single Payer Happy Hour every last Friday.

It would be nice if this diary, however unimpressive, would be Recommended and/or Rescued so that this Kossack organized demonstration gets more visibility.

Bring signs and flags.  We’ll have fliers to pass around.

We have cleared it with City of Los Angeles, LAPD and Parks and Recreation.  Two conditions; we cannot march, this would require an LAPD permit, and no megaphones, this would require a written Parks and Rec permit.  We’ll bring the old soap box.  This will be a Healthcare Speakers Corner one day.

So come on down.

Take the Orange Line if you don’t want to drive.  It ends 4 blocks away.

Here are our previous diaries;

Taking it to the streets for healthcare in Los Angeles

Healthcare demonstration in Los Angeles on Friday

Single Payer Demonstration in Los Angeles on June 26

Single Payer Demonstration in Los Angeles on June 26 ( II )

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