CTA Hits Arnold on Prop 98 Education Funding

With the Governor trying to suspend Prop 98 so that he can further reduce California’s future competitiveness, education organizations are understably angry. While the California Teachers’ Association joined up with the Governor to push the May Special election agenda, it seems that once again things are back to normal.

Here’s the full copy from the ad:

“He said he was sorry,” the ad says. “He said never again. But since then, $12 billion more in education cuts. And now Schwarzenegger says he’ll break the minimum guarantee to our schools again. Summer schools, already canceled. Class sizes, on the rise. Art and music, eliminated. Tell the governor, ‘We haven’t forgotten. Protect our schools and put our kids first.'” (SacBee 7/9/09)

Education cuts always get the public upset, so Arnold certianly isn’t happy to see this.  The buy looks to be fairly big, I’ll get some more details on that shortly.

UPDATE: The buy is statewide, in every major market.