white senator berades latino legislators

Today I witnessed the most out of control racist hearing by the California State Legislature.  In Senate Judiciary Committee, I watched a Chair – who was white – berade two fellow latino Legislators and deny them their due process in this legislative process.  Chair Ellen Corbett lashed out against both Senator Dean Florez and Assembly Member Tony Mendoza. Senator Florez merely wanted to ask questions to some witnesses and Senator Corbett freaked out, limiting him to one question. Why only one question? This is a bill going through the Legislature in the biggest state in the union. Why wouldn’t we want all of our bills to be fully vetted?  Then Senator Corbett had the audacity to deny the bill author, Assembly Member Mendoza to even continue the hearing and halted the process – moving his bill to the very end of the agenda, as if he and his bill was less important than the other measures.  Shame on Senator Corbett for disgracing the Latino members and promoting her white agenda.  Just because Corbett doesn’t like something and it doesn’t fit into her white box, doesn’t mean it can’t move forward.